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December 14th, 2032...

Lower Manhattan, World Trade Center District...

15... the Number of Brand new Towers Standing over Ground Zero... After almost 3 decades of construction, the Complex is Complete... The World Trade Center is the most densely populated square kilometer on earth, with over 100,000 people calling the complex home, since 5 of the 15 towers are fully residential, One group of these People, is the Yagi Family...

Deku: Ochaco? Dinner's Ready!

Ochaco: Thanks for Cooking tonight, I got buried in paper work...

Deku: No Problem!

Eri: Hey Dad!

Deku: Hey Snowball!

Eri: I got an A on my Hero Test!

Ochaco: Wonderful! I can't believe you'll be 18 in just a week! My Little Baby!

Eri: MOM! Don't say that! Kota could be here at any moment!

Deku: Yeah, I still remember when we saved you, remember when we went to the top of the Trade Center!

Ochaco: Oh yeah! that was wonderful! Which tower were we on again?

Eri and Deku Facepalm

Deku: Babe we live across the street from it and you can't remember?

Ochaco: Hey Don't judge me! I'm not a nerd like you two!

The Door Opens

All Might: Hey guys, I just picked up the little ones!

Deku: Hey there guys!

Toshi: Dad, I got in trouble...

Deku: What? How?

Toshi: A Bully tried to beat up Ikki today in school, So I protected him!

Deku: Good Job kid!

Ochaco: Deku!

Deku: She was defending Ikki hon

Ochaco: But he shouldn't beat people up!

Toshi: He actually hit me first...


Deku: Don't worry bud, you may bein trouble at school, but you aren't here, you defended your best friend!

All Might: Like a true Hero would!

Toshi: YAY!

Inko also walks in the front door

Inko: Sorry I'm late, I thought I'd buy some wine for tonight

Ochaco: Thanks Inko!

Saeko: Mommy Mommy! Guess What!

Ochaco: What?

Saeko: I got a boyfriend!

Ochaco: WHAT?!

Deku: Ochaco, she doesn't even really know what that means yet, calm down!

Ochaco breathes in and out...

Ochaco: Okay... we're all good


Ochaco: I forgot I put Nanako down for a nap...

Deku: I'll get her, no worries!


The Family has a wonderful night of board games, some 'slight' drunkenness for All Might, Ochaco giving Kota Death Glares because he's dating Eri, Deku actually getting drunk for the first time and hating it, and Eri Dying of laughter...

The Next day on top of The North Tower of the Twin Towers, 3 shadowy figures are seen, it turns out to be Deku, Uravity and Eri-wind, They Jump off the Tower and begin to patrol the area, FOR THERE SHALL BE NO CRIMES ON THIS DAY! BECAUSE THEY ARE HERE!

As of now, I'd say this is the end of the book...

However, If I come up with any bonus chapters, I'll add them,  but for now, this book is finished!

Go Beyond! PLUS ULTRA!

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