The Truth...

119 1 1

Inko: The South Tower is Gonna Collapse!

NYPD Officer: Shit!

Aizawa: Someone get Cementoss!

Mic Runs to find Cementoss, who was sent to help with Evacuation about 2 Blocks North...

Inko: Hold on for just a bit longer Toshi!

Inko Suddenly starts Running towards the South Tower

NYPD Officer: Ma'am wait!

Time: 9:59 AM

POV: Toshinori 'All Might' Yagi

Location: 2 World Trade Center

All Might: Dammit!

All Might is barely holding up the Tower... He can feel the Tower Starting to Crumble...


The Upper Tower is starting to fall sideways, Which would mean All Might Could not hold it up...

All Might: DAMMIT! NO NO NO!

This causes a Gap to open behind him...

All Might: Come on you Bastard!!

The Tower Stops falling...

All Might: Huh? But How..?


All Might: Inko..?!

Inko is using her quirk, grabing at the upper steel Bars of the Tower with her Telekinesis... Pulling at the top holds the Tower in place, Making it so All Might can Keep Holding it!


She is in heavy pain, pushing her quirk so far beyond her limits that her arms are swollen...

All Might: OKAY!

All Might (In Thought): I Have to go Beyond! Nana Wouldn't give up! So I Shouldn't either!

the Previous Users of One For All, all watch in shock and awe, as All Might has mastered One For All's Power so well, that he can hold up the World Trade Center, a feat that would make it seem like he could do anything... Nana couldn't be more proud...

Time: 10:04 AM

They have been holding up the South Tower for 5 Gruesome Minutes... but then, help finally arrives!

Cementoss: All Might! I'm here!

All Might: Cementoss! Make a Strong Concrete Pillar to hold up the Tower!

Cementoss: Roger that!

Cementoss makes the Concrete Pillar Go Through the Tower's interior, All Might gets out of the way... The South Tower is Saved...

All of the Heroes turn their attention to Tower 3, the Sears Tower... 

All Might gets ready to grab Ladder 118, but then...


The Sears Tower Partially Collapses...

All Might: Shit!

Aizawa: No!

Mic: Obor's Still in there!

All Might: NO!

All Might starts to run in...

Inko Starts to Follow

All Might realizes and turns around

All  Might: Inko no, stay, you need to rest!

Inko: But Toshi, I need to help!

All Might: You've gone too far beyond your limits!

Inko: I know! But I need to help! It's what my mother would have done!

All Might: You are just like her Inko... Come on! Let's Move!

Time: 10:22 AM

All Might lands in the Tower... he's searching for people who are injured... But he finds that the tower's fire has already been put out... He finds a manw wearing a suit... with... White Hair...

All Might's Eyes go Wide, as he remembers who it is...

All Might: ALL FOR ONE!

Inko: T-That's him?!

All For One: Ah, if it isn't All Might... 8th user of One For All... Oh? And Who's this? Your Girlfriend?

All Might: That's not important! WHY IN THE FUCK. ARE. YOU. HERE?!

All For One: It's Quite simple, I saw how well you saved the towers, so I decided to make this one Collapse Myself...

All Might: You Bastard! Did you do this?!

All For One: Well not entirely...

All Might stares at All For One in absolute disgust, Hatred, and full of Killing Intent...

All For One: I have wanted these Imperialist symbols to be destroyed for awhile, I just had no one to do it, as, I didn't want my name on it... So I met a man in 1993, He was trying to deliver a Bomb to the Parking Garage beneath Tower 1... He told me he was ordered by a man named Osama Bin Laden...

All for One Pauses...

All For One: So I asked where he was, and he told me Osama lived in Afghanistan... so I decided to meet with this man, I went all the way in Afghantistan in 1993, I met with the man by the name of Osama, and after the Bombing in 1993 failed, He told me his plan, I thought it was Brilliant! The Americans would be too stupid to notice!

All Might: You're technically American too you Asshole!

All For One: I wasn't finished, But I'll have you know I was actually born in Japan, and moved here at age 9 with my family, But anyway, I added a few targets to his list, The Pentagon, The Capitol, The Empire State Building, and on the West Coast, The Columbia Center in Seattle.

All Might: You bastard!

All For One: Oh, I forgot to mention, I encountered a friend of yours up here, He thought I was trying to leave, but that mistake costed him his life...

All Might: Who..?

All For One: I forget his name, but he had a very cloudy appearance...

All For One Smiles Maniacally, as All Might's Face Saddens

All Might: Oboro...

All Might clenches his fist...

All Might: I'll avenge him! AND TAKE YOU DOWN!

All For One: Oh, I would love to kill you, but I am actually recovering from a surgery I recently had, so I cannot stay...

All For One Opens a Portal...

All For One: Enjoy your life while you have it, Inko Shimura...

All Might and Inko's Eyes go wide, he knew who she was the whole time...

All Might: You Touch her and I'll kill you!

All For One: I would like to see you try!

All For One Disappears

All Might: NO!

Time: 10:31 AM

Inko: Don't Focus on him Toshi! We still have people to save!

All Might: You remember the other targets he mentioned right?

Inko: Yeah

All Might: Let's go let the others know... and tell them about Oboro...

To Be Continued...

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