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POV: Toshinori "All Might" Yagi

Age: 21

Hero Ranking: Number 1 in California, Number 2 in the US, Number 3 in the World...

Date: September 10th, 2001...

22 Hours 2 Minutes to Impact...

Location: San Fransisco, California, United States of America...

A Group of Villains are running down the road, one who is large is moving fast, carrying the other

A Car Screeches around a Street corner and follows the villain, All Might Stands on the car

???: Toshi! Wrap this up quick! You're gonna miss the Flight!

All Might: That's The Plan Dave! Obviously!

He Jumps up with a Smile

Villain 1:Damn these Heroes!

The Villain uses his quirk to fire missiles at civilians


A Cross Shaped Shockwave disperses the Missiles

The Villains Keep Running, All Might Jumps up, passing behind a Nearby Skyscraper, 555 California Street

He Comes out from behind the building in Hero Gear, Ready to Brawl!

The Villains were climbing up an Adjacent Skyscraper!


Villain 1: Ah Sh*t...


The Villains grip onto the side of the Small Skyscraper, breaking windows to get a grip

All Might: Hey Dave! I think it's time for an Ultimate move!

Dave: Do it!

All Might: I'll name this one after your Home State!

Dave Smirks

All Might Jumps from the Roof of the Building, he starts flipping!

He winds up a powerful Punch


Villain 2: RRRRAAAAHHH!!


Villain 2: Gah!

All Might Connects his fist to the Villains Face, The Villain is sent rapidly downward, All Might jumps up across the street to the tallest building in the City at the time, The Transamerica Pyramid...

He Smiles Brightly


All Might Stands, arms resting on his waist, Cape Designed After the American Flag Waving in the wind... America's Hero Stands...

Citizen 1: It's All Might!

Citizen 2: He's So Cool!

Citizen 3: He's Awesome!

Dave: Hey All Might, we gotta go

Dave says this through a small communication Watch

All Might: Right, I'm gonna miss California, but I have a girlfriend waiting at home... so I have to go, Plus... New York's my home...

All Might meets up with Dave 2 blocks away

Dave: We have 1 hour before your flight, let's go!

All Might: Right!

They Drive off, Barely getting there in time for All Might's Flight

Dave: Okay Tosh, I'll see ya dude!

All Might: Bye Dave!

All Might was disguised in his weak form so he wouldn't get recognized... All Might Steps on the plane, and sits down...  within ten minutes of him sitting down the plane is in the air.

All Might: Inko, Sorahiko, I'm on my way home!

The Plane flies through the sky.

All Might is sitting there very bored...

All Might: guess I'll see what these Magazines are about...

He grabs a Magazine labeled 'Hero Times Magazine', He Noticed he is on the Cover.

All Might: Hm.

He Opens up, page one shows Present Mic DJ-ing at a Party.

All Might: Ha, Hizashi always being the life of the party!

He notices Aizawa In his Slumber Bag in the corner,  barely in view of the camera... the photographer is not noticing...

All Might: HAHAHA! There's Shota being the Death of it too! Ah, that's just great!

All Might: Oboro must be having a blast somewhere in here...

A/N: Yes Shirakumo is alive, there's a reason for it...

All Might: Ah! There he is! And Holy Hell is he Drunk!

He flips to the next page

All Might: AH! WHAT THE F*CK?!

It's a picture of Nemuri... in.... Special Clothing...

All Might: Nemuri What the F*ck?! I know you're the R-Rated Hero but damn!

He goes to the next page, averting his eyes

All Might: There's Enji... *Mumbles* F*ckin' Prick

He goes to the next page

All Might: Ah there's me...

There are tons of Captions saying 'the future Number 1?!' 'The Hottest Guy in the Hero Commision, both Figurative and literally?' 'Best Hero since Paragon?'

All Might: They're comparing me to Nana... I'm almost there Nana... I did it Master...

All Might stops reading, he decides to just look out the window... only to realize he can already see Chicago...

All Might: How long was I reading that?

He looks at his watch

All Might: 3 Hours? Damn...

He spends the next Hour Sleeping...

He then wakes up to the Pilot talking...

Pilot: Good Afternoon, This is your captain Speaking, we are 10 Minutes from JFK International Airport! We Hope you enjoyed your flight with American Airlines!

All Might Looks out the Window, he sees the Beautiful World Trade Center Towers, Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and Other Landmarks... He can Even See UA in the Distance in Queens, New York...

All Might: I'm Home...

End Time: 2:24 PM, September 10th, 2001...

To Be Continued

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