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Day 7

During this break, some trainees felt the need to isolate themselves on the top of a nearby dune, others lay down under the white veil to keep the remains of this experience alive as long as possible. Still others felt the need to return to reality and went to collect wood for the fire.

After an hour or so, Aziz's cry of "gather" invited everyone to gather around Pierre again.

"You may be wondering what to do with this teaching and what role you could play.

Let me put this teaching into perspective.

Over the last few generations, political systems with rational and conformist agendas have won the vast majority of votes.

During the same period, businesses have promoted results and personal achievement as the keys to success.

These orange-rational and blue-conformist values easily took root among us since they were shared and understood by 70% of the population.

However, in recent years, in the more affluent countries, many individuals who have satisfied their basic personal needs such as work, food, shelter and comfort, are beginning to worry about the future of their children and their planet.

Have you observed that their children who grew up in a world of uncertainty that did not care about their future have become adults who are now advocating for their future and that of their planet.

Everything indicates that this population is evolving towards a green or pluralist system. A system that places human connection, ethics, collaboration and tolerance at the top of its values.

These humans in transition are like each of us. They are employees, citizens, consumers and sometimes even shareholders, and their new expectations are reflected in their purchasing behaviour, in their lifestyle habits and for some, in their investment choices.

As a result, all companies, systems, organisations and countries are confronted with these new behaviours and demands. They have no choice but to adapt to them.

The evidence is mounting:

See for yourself how countries and companies are competing to announce their carbon neutrality date.

Look at how organisations are implementing gender, cultural, educational and age diversity.

Look at the number of women newly promoted to positions previously reserved for men.

See how your lifestyles are changing in terms of vehicle pollution, the energy efficiency of your home or the recycling of your waste.

All the evidence shows that the world is moving from the orange-rational system of economic performance to the green-pluralist system of the interest of the planet and future generations.

It is no longer time to question the reality of this change, but rather how to accompany it.

The previous cycle lasted several generations, during which organisations surrounded themselves with Orange-rational and Blue-conformist employees. All were selected, trained and evaluated in a context of pyramidal hierarchies and a culture of results.

Today, these values have become those of the past and our organisations are faced with the daunting task of leading their employees towards a vision of the future for which, for the most part, they are not prepared.

Neither our parents nor our grandparents had the opportunity to experience and accompany such a change, and it is unlikely that we ourselves will have another opportunity in this lifetime.

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