Dynamic Spiral - part 2

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Tool 8

Day 7

"The following levels are only emerging and not yet visible.

Level 6 or "Green" called "Pluralistic or Relativistic".

This is the level of respect for others, of equity and sharing, the being is sensitive to the importance of human connection, ecology and ethics. Greens place empathy, collaboration and tolerance at the top of their values.

At level 6 leaders are mediators, the hierarchy is blurred and egalitarian. When applied to too large groups, the 6 system easily bogs down and becomes ineffective.

When they reach this stage, children are generally between 15 and 20 years old, it is the time of associative or political commitment for a better world.

Greens perceive purples as needing protection and reds as needing education. For them, oranges are disrespectful.

Other greens are enlightened and beneficial.

The higher levels are seen as too intellectual.

Greens have 10% of the population and 15% of the power.

Level 7 or "Yellow" is called "Systemic".

The emergence of this level corresponds to a much more radical change that is currently underway, due in particular to global emergencies such as global warming and pandemics.

At level 7, we find people motivated by autonomy, freedom and efficiency. They see their lives in terms of personal, professional and social aspects and work to improve everything.

They learn for themselves, but are also aware of being part of and contributing to a more complex structure.

They welcome change and new ideas. But they have difficulty with relationships with others and are often perceived as cold or distant.

Their quest is for an ever more efficient system.

For the Yellow, life is an accumulation of diverse and contradictory principles, they are not afraid to have ideas that are opposed to popular opinion.

Yellows perceive all other groups as "interesting" and will adapt to them when the situation demands it.

It is usually during a mid-life crisis that we reach level 7. But most of us won't reach that level because the yellows only have 1% of the population and 5% of the power.

Faces were beginning to relax, so there were people who could communicate and bring all the previous levels together. They were now looking forward to what Peter had to say about level 8.

Peter continued, "The eighth level, also called 'Turquoise' or 'Holistic', is often an evolution of Yellow with a greater openness of awareness of self and the world. It is a very rare stage which requires a very great capacity for introspection.

Its representatives know that all actions must have a deep meaning and be in harmony with the different balances of life.

At this level the human is able to understand the points of view of the lower levels and in particular that there is no single vision of things, and that it is necessary to use the collective human intelligence to act on a large scale, without however sacrificing individuality.

There is no objective to be reached, but rather a perpetual evolution to be accompanied.

They are deeply rooted in the Present, and try to show the way to those who have not reached their colour.

The organisation that comes closest to an 8 system is the idea of harmony developed by Gandhi.

Turquoise have a pragmatic acceptance of other colours, as well as the curiosity of Yellow to solve problems on a global scale.

They are generally isolated because individuals of other colours do not understand their ideas.

For turquoise the human tendency to favour short-term solutions, war, poverty, disease, hunger, and political oppression are not in harmony with life and should disappear, even at the cost of some sacrifice.

Turquoise is only 0.1% of the population and 1% of the power.

Pierre had fallen silent, observing the faces of his twelve trainees and their teachers who were also feeding off his words.

They were all convinced that there was a road to peace and harmony between beings, nature and the planet.

But they all felt tiny in front of the magnitude of the road ahead.

None of them felt like the "Gandhi" of the 21st century.

Peter sat in the middle of the assembly, closed his eyes, and entered into meditation. Everyone felt the call to enter into meditation as well. A great meditation took place. A recollection quieter than the desert itself.

Mary began to perceive the world as never before, everything was connected, not one being, not one plant, not one mineral had an independent life.

Louis and Olivia perceived the fundamental substratum, that place which cannot be denied but from which everything emerges.

Isabelle and Liam saw the world as birds see it. Overall, naturally, they understood its perfection.

Karim and Saida were trees, they were connected to the totality of the plant world, they understood the world as trees understand it, as a unique and inseparable living whole.

Nour and Arthur were a mountain, their hearts vibrated to the rhythm of the earth, and all living things on their surface were a ballet of perfection in perpetual motion.

Gabriel and Sophie were whales, they were the repositories of all the ancestral knowledge of the planet, on a scale where a century lasts only the blink of an eye and the relativity of time became obvious to them.

Feline and Thomas were the ocean, they were the repositories of all the thoughts of the living, they perceived their limitation in the face of the immensity of the possible.

Natasha and Iméne were the sky, they lovingly encompassed the world, and all its agitation seemed to them as light and transient as a leaf in the breeze.

Aziz was a star, he perceived the great movement of the universe, like a perfect clock where nothing is written but everything happens.

When Pierre returned to ordinary consciousness, each of the participants, at their own pace, came out of their state of contemplation as if waking up from a dream.

They knew that Peter had been the architect of this experience.

None of them could have said how long they had been in this state.

All of them had brought back from their journey this inner peace that made them feel in a second state.

When everyone had returned to ordinary consciousness, they looked at each other, questioning.

It was Feline who broke the silence and asked, "What happened to us?

Peter looked at each one with affection.

"Since your arrival, you have been given the opportunity to experiment with each of the tools you have been taught, you now know the state of meditation, you recognise synchronicities, you are more sensitive to intuition, you have become friends of doubt.

And as a teaching remains theoretical until you have experienced it, lived it in your flesh, I have just made you experience the turquoise level of the dynamic spiral.

The trainees were speechless, of course Pierre had explained the turquoise level with words, and each one had imagined with his own concepts what it could be, but by living the experience of the turquoise level, each one realised how powerless words were to describe what it really was.

How to describe this unity behind everything, this interdependence between the immensely large and the infinitely small, this perfection of every moment?

Peter had stood up, "I think you've earned a nap by now. We'll start again in about an hour.

Even Aziz, usually ready to jump in and serve tea and coffee and listen to everyone, was sitting down, stunned by the experience he had just had.

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