The Clementine

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Day 8

Tool 9

The next morning, Thomas was certain, he had not seen Pierre Duchemin, neither at the evening meal nor in any of the 4x4s that had left in the evening. 

As had been mentioned the previous day at the briefing, Saida had asked everyone to start thinking about what project, change or idea they would like to implement in the two months following their return home. 

Aziz had arranged the trainees in order of size and formed groups of two for the day's walk. 

Feline and Louis were one of the groups, both of Belgian origin and both working for WesMart©. So, naturally, they began to talk about their professional lives, and how they could use what they were learning to improve the lives of their colleagues. How to lead them towards those ethical and sustainable values that promised to be the values of tomorrow. They were just remaking the world, as they had always done. 

 At the first pose, Louis called out to Liam. "Liam, Feline and I feel we have reached an impasse. Our exchange about the changes we would like to implement when we get home has led us to repeat the 'just do it' thinking that we are all too familiar with. What can you advise us? 

Your case is interesting, notice how your common country of origin and your common company very quickly and very naturally led you to exchange on a professional project. And as you know the same company well, without being suspicious, you very much fell back into a counter conversation, if I can put it that way. 

The good news is that you didn't persist, you realised very quickly that this couldn't be the right road and you called for help. Notice how your alarm systems are now going off. If you don't mind, I'll give you some pointers for the rest of the exercise. He picked up a clementine that he had just peeled. Imagine that you are this clementine, it is one fruit, and yet it is made up of ten distinct parts. Each of us is like this clementine, our quarters are called Family, Home, Money, Love, Travel, Projects, Work, Friends or Health but feel free to add others if you need to. 

It is the harmonious development of each of these clementine part that makes us a balanced and fulfilled being. Each clementine part should be looked at not from a material point of view, but from the point of view of how you feel about it. 

For example, if you look at the 'home' clementine part, it is not a question of drawing up plans for your dream house, but of observing how such a house would make you feel. For each segment, try to define how you feel at the moment, and how you would like to feel in the future. When you have gone through your segment, you can visualise your present clementine, perhaps a little misshapen and stunted, and then your future clementine, juicy and balanced. The exercise in pairs allows you to structure your thinking, to question, the other to broaden the horizon of your thinking." 

As was often the case, one person's question had led to an answer for everyone, and everyone had made Liam's answer their own. 

Aziz and the nomads had set the caravan in motion for another hour of walking. 

Feline and Louis resumed their exercise from a new angle. They recognised that the clementine analogy meant that no area was forgotten and that each was equally important. 

Louis felt fulfilled by his family life, and although he was very close to his wife, he still dreamed of more time together. 

His house suited him, it was warm and well situated. He felt comfortable there. However, he remembered that his wife expected him to do some small jobs that he was not in a hurry to carry out, but this reflection made him understand that perhaps this part of his wife's clementine needed to be fed. And as these small jobs suited him too, he promised himself to register them in the "Home" area. 

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