Chapter 11

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<Belladonna POV>

We had been running for hours! Me, Rosalie and Esme had to put on some of Bella's clothes so as to lead the tracker in the wrong direction. I was stuck in the worst jacket ever because neither Rose nor Esme would swap with me. Stupid Cullens!

It totally clashed with my outfit and worse! I had to give Bella my jacket so she would smell like me! Now I'm going to have to feed before wearing that coat ever again! This day just gets worse and worse!

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It totally clashed with my outfit and worse! I had to give Bella my jacket so she would smell like me! Now I'm going to have to feed before wearing that coat ever again! This day just gets worse and worse!

"Girls mark the trees!" Edward calls to us, this is awkward, this is weird, this is uncomfortable, this is necessary for Bella's survival. This is necessary for Bella's survival. "That's good." We begin to run again.

Abruptly, we stop running, we almost run into Eddie's back.

"He's figured it out." Eddie whispers. He calls Bella. "We've lost the tracker. The woman's still in the area. Rosalie and Esme have gone back to Forks to protect your father. I'm coming to get you. Dona's coming with. And we...are gonna go somewhere...alone. And the others will keep hunting. I'll do whatever it takes to make you safe again."

Me and Edward run away from the others, running back to Bella, we track her scent to an old ballet studio. We can hear her screams from inside. We agree that Eddie will go in and confront James while I'll try get Bella out.

We run in different directions, I run around to the back of the building, found a back entrance and snuck in using someone's power to make myself silent and invisible. I found Eddie and Bella fighting and Bella crying out in pain against a wall, clearly bleeding out. I had no time to wait for Carlisle or worry about the blood, I was straight in action, taking off my belt and tying it around her leg where the bleeding was worse, slowing it. I looked for any other major injuries and I paled. On her arm was a vampire bite, I knew Eddie would kill me if I just left her to turn but I knew I would kill her if I tried to suck the venom out. I drink human blood for god's sake! Luckily help arrives, Carlisle kneels down next to me. I turn myself visible. I nod to him and run to help the boys and Alice dispose of James's body. Suddenly I smelt something sickly sweet up in the shadows by the window, I turn invisible and silent once more and creep towards the familiar scent of Victoria. Before she can scream, I ripped her head from her body and dragged her down to the now roaring fire throwing her in.

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