Chapter 23

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<Belladonna POV>

24 hours had passed and everyone could hear Bells heart growing slower, weaker, while everyone else was worried sick, I wasn't. I knew from experience the mother, in this case Bells, would wake up within the next forty-eight hours, depending on when her heart stops. Anyway, this gave me enough time to once more prove a fact I had long since known;

I was great with children.

Well, I had to be, seeing as Bells was still unconscious, Eddie never left her side, Carlisle was always checking on her and literally no-one else had any experience with children. Rose turned out to be rather good as well but I was still the one trusted to do everything for little Renesmee, who everyone but me nicknamed Ness or Nessie, I call her Ren, Rose mainly played with her.

"Hey, Donna?" Alice asked from where Alice was showing her the right way to hold Ren. I looked over at her, she took this as cue to continue her question. "When Bella was first pregnant you said
'I know this is probably you're only chance of a baby without my help' What did you mean?"

"Oh that! One of the powers I picked up was one of fertility. I can have children as a vamp and can help other vampire women to have children, I can even make it so it only works for mates." Everyone looked at me, stunned "As we see from Ren, A vamp males sperm is still fertile but the catch is that it only works for mates. All I need to do is make the woman's ovaries release an egg and boom! Vampire baby."

Everyone was shocked but jubilant - with my help they could have the babies they have always wanted.

Me and Ren just sat on the sofa and the child-that-was-a-few-days-old-but-looked-like-a-3-month-old-baby-and-would-probably-be-6-months-by-the-time-Bells-wakes-up was just watching the couples gush about baby names. Although, when I say couples, I mean wifes.

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