Chapter 24

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<Belladonna POV>

True to my thoughts the next day we heard Bella's heart stop beating and heard the snap of her eyes as they burst open revealing her new, crimson eyes.

I was handed Ren and was told to face the wall while everyone else spread out around the room. Soon I heard Bells and Eddie come back from hunting and enter the house, walking towards us.

"Here comes the new-born." I joked once it was clear everyone else heard her - someone's gift was advanced hearing making it better than any other vamp - everyone giggled at my twist on the words Esme said when meeting Bells for the first time.

"Welcome to the family." Carlisle said as she walked past him and into the room.

"You look wonderful, Bella." Alice complimented

"Someone's been waiting to meet you." Esme mentioned.

"Donna?" Eddie said and I turned around at my cue, little Ren in my arms positively brightening at the sight of her mummy. I passed the child over and Bells looked astounded at Ren's size.

"I've only been out two days?" She asked still gazing lovingly at her daughter in her arms.

"Her growth rate is unprecedented." Carlisle managed to say before I corrected him.

"Actually her growth rate is right on track for a hybrid baby. They age quickly until they are physically 18, 7 years after their birth and then stop aging and are basically a vampire that can survive on human food." I explained, everyone perked up t the fact they could have thousands of years with Ren. I smiled at the family and wondered, what is my mate or my mates doing right now?

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