#1: Midnight Rescues

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Chapter One
Midnight Rescues

┏━━━━━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━━━━━┓Chapter One第一章Midnight Rescues┗━━━━━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━━━━━┛

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Asami Kuroda (22), Surgeon at Beika General Hospital

Asami drove home in the middle of the night, exhausted from her double shift at the hospital. Her day had been hectic with numerous patients, surgeries, and staff shortages. She had recently returned to Tokyo after living abroad for years and was relieved to be back in her homeland.

Asami vowed never to agree to another double shift as she suddenly spotted a young, black-haired man sitting on the sidewalk. It was only a brief moment, and despite the darkness, the streetlights illuminated enough for her to see that he was injured. She knew it was dangerous for a young woman to be alone at night, but as a doctor, she couldn't simply leave the man in need of help.

So, she stopped her car, stepped out and walked cautiously toward the young man. She quickly inspected his injuries. He had bruises on his arms and face, his lip was swollen, and she could see blood coming from his mouth. It was clear to Asami that this man had been in a fight.

As she examined him further, she noticed something unusual – the young man was wearing a police uniform. This revelation puzzled Asami. She couldn't understand why a police officer would be sitting injured on the sidewalk in the middle of the night.

Despite her curiosity, Asami knew her priority was to help him. She made a mental note to inquire about his situation later. Right now, her focus was on getting him the medical attention he needed.

Asami approached the young man cautiously, her concern evident in her eyes as she knelt beside him.

"Why are you staring at me like that?!" the young man snapped, his tone sharp and defensive. "Mind your own business and leave!"

Undeterred by his abruptness, Asami maintained her composure, her voice gentle yet firm. "I'm just concerned," she explained calmly. "It looks like you're hurt. Do you need any help? Should I call an ambulance for you?"

The young man's frustration boiled over, his voice rising in anger. "Do I look like I need an ambulance?!" he shouted, his tone filled with indignation. "Get in your car and leave me alone! Little girls like you shouldn't be wandering the streets alone at night, especially not talking to men they don't know!"

Asami chuckled softly, unfazed by his outburst. "I can take care of myself just fine," she replied confidently. "And I can judge when a situation is too dangerous for me."

Asami gently implored the young man to let her assess his wounds, expressing her concern for his well-being and the importance of proper treatment to prevent infection. She assured him that she had a first aid kit in her car and could provide the necessary care.

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