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Niki took the girl to some shop and got her a dress for the party

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Niki took the girl to some shop and got her a dress for the party. It was a backless dress

Soon they reached the party and they could hear the music playing even outside the yacht.
The moment the two entered,Niki was greeted by everyone.

With lots of girls and guys hovering around him,Seolhee thought sitting on a corner quietly might be the best option for her right now.

So Seolhee sat there with a drink on her hand ,nervously looking around. She could easily see Niki on the other side still surrounded by many people.

She could see a girl putting her hand on one shoulder while another girl kept her hand on his other shoulder. The two girls glared at each other,as if they wanted to rip each other apart.

Thank god Seolhee wasn't part of that drama.
Seolhee finished her drink as she kept the empty glass on the table.

Niki noticed the girl walking towards the railing and watching the view,

'She shouldn't be alone'
He thinks before someone interrupted his thoughts,

"Niki, what are you doing on the weekend?" The girl asks

"I am busy" He shortly replies

The girl followed his gaze which was on Seolhee,

"With her?" She asks.

Niki,not wanting to talk just nods his head. He didn't even know her name.

Seolhee could feel someone patting her shoulders,

"What's your name?" The girl behind asks
"Seolhee" She smiles at the other girl.

"Oh,nice to meet you"The other girl replies and leans towards the railings .

Seolhee was soon startled by the sound of glass breaking. The girl beside her had dropped her glass
"Oh my god ,are you ok?" Seolhee bends down.

"Yea I am ok" The girl stares at Seolhee,who was now picking up the glass piece.

"Seolhee!" She heard Niki shouting from the other side

He walked towards her and squat down to meet her level

"Stand up,someone else will clean it up" He grabs her shoulders helping her stand up

"B-but" She couldnt complete her sentence since Niki harshly took the glass piece on her hand

"Niki,you will get cut" She warns him but Niki being Niki doesn't care until he eventually got cut.

Blood from his fingers made Seolhee's eyes widen.
"Where is the first aid?" She asks Niki,bringing him to a much more private area

"First aid box?" She asks again, Niki gave the guy standing at the door a look.

Soon the guy came running towards them with a first aid box

"I will not hurt him,you can leave" Seolhee looks at the guy

The guy looks at Niki,waiting for his order. With a simple nod from Niki,he bows and leaves the place.

"I told you to be careful" Seolhee quietly look a cotton and dabbed it onto the medicine

Niki just gulps looking at the girl who was focused on cleaning the wound.

The crystal on his bracelet did a light flick,changing from his usual light pink to white then again light pink

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks while he just looks at her ,his pattern of breathing being slightly odd.

"Dont be so shocked,you told me to act like your girlfriend when needed. So here I am"

Now the color of the crystal in his bracelet started rapidly changing, like those fairy lights which flicker.

"The color of your crystal depends on what you feel inside,
For example:When angry it turns red , When happy yellow.
Similarly when it flickers it means that things are happening to your heart.
What do kids these days call it? Ummmm;

Right,heart fluttering."

Niki stared at her remembering the words from his grandmother.

"Is your bracelet running out of battery or something?"
She looks at him,
"What's happening?"
She questions the guy who now leaned towards her,
"I dont know,you tell me"

She leaned back, now looking directly at his eyes

"I dont have superpowers,how would I know?"

Niki held her hand making her drop the antiseptic. He pulled her closer to him,
"I dont think superpowers can define this" He signalled at his bracelet which kept on flickering

The door burst open interrupting them.
She quickly made him let go of his hands and hurriedly stood up.

"Niki,they are calling you outside" The guy said and Seolhee walked out of there without a word.

Niki glanced at his bracelet turned orange,

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