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Seolhee sighed for the hundredth time,Why did those three girls hate her so much?

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Seolhee sighed for the hundredth time,
Why did those three girls hate her so much?

She cleaned up the trash that fell put of her locker with all the possible nasty things one could ever imagine.

"Oh ! I can't even differentiate which one is the trash" The girl,Haemin spoke.

Seolhee closed the locker harshly with tears fighting to fall of her eyes,

"What is wrong with you?"

The three girls took a few steps forward making Seolhee take a few ones backwards. Harshly, Haemin pulled her hair,

"What is wrong with me?"

The other students gasped at the site, it wasn't a new scenario.  This was something they had been seeing for the past 3 years,but none of the students even bothered to help.

Seolhee didn't blame the other students for not helping her, who would want to stand up against the school director's daughter?

Haemin harshly hit Seolhee's head against the locker door,
Seolhee felt blood dripping down her forehead

"You are so stupid. You really want to die,don't you?"

With that Haemin harshly pulled her inside the girl's washroom. Soon Seolhee could feel cold water running down her hair which was red in color because of the blood in her forehead.

"So pathetic," Haemin looked at her

"Being her outside" Haemin told the two other girls standing beside her.

Seolhee was again pulled outside and in the hallways she could feel the stares of pity from everyone.

"Look? No one is here to help you, you know why?" Haemin again says,

"Because no one likes you" Haemin giggles at her own statement,maniac.

Seolhee tried hard to not let her tear fall off. She knew that Haemin just wanted to see her cry but she didn't want to let Haemin get what she wanted.

Haemin crossed her arms, walking towards her when someone stopped her,

"CHA HAEMIN!" Everyone's attention was now on the owner of the voice,
Haemin's father ,the school's director.

Haemin loosened up her hands as she gulped,

"In my office,NOW!" Her father demanded.
With that they left
As soon as the three girls left,
Seolhee fell down on her knees,letting her tears fall.

No one bothered to help her,or so she thought. She felt herself getting covered in a blazer only to find Niki .

"Get up, we are leaving"

The ride was silent, Niki knew that Seolhee needed some time by herself so he didn't force her to talk.

Niki immediately informed their family doctor when they reached the mansion.
So now, Seolhee was sleeping on Niki's bed with a bandaged head.

"Thank fully since you brought her in time,she didn't loose much blood.
But yes, the scar will take some time to fade away.

For now, making sure she eats enough is also necessary.  Do take care of her , I'll visit tomorrow again " The doctor informs him.

Niki silently entered his room, checking up on the girl that laid on the bed.
He noticed her opening her eyes . She looked confused as to where she was .

"Do you want to eat something? " He asks her and she shakes her head,

Niki sat down on his couch, which was right beside the bed.
"Can I trust you?" Seolhee asked him.

Niki slowly nodded,

"I haven't told this to anyone, not even my sister" 

With a few sighs she continued,
"Haemin and I were best friends. She was the closest friend I had at the time ,actually the closest friend I ever had.

I thought I could trust her with anything and we would be friends forever until she started seeing me as a threat. Her dad somehow convinced her that I was her biggest competition and if she wouldn't win against me then she was a so called 'piece of useless shit' according to her dad.

Years passed and she still saw me as a competition. I don't know where or when this competition turned into her bullying me. I would've never thought that the closest friendship I had would turn into hate"

Niki wasn't the best at consoling so he just listened to her,letting her talk. Seolhee was grateful though, she didn't want any one to pity her ,instead she just wanted someone to listen to her and pour out her worries and Niki did just that.

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