Magic, A Reality

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Making people laugh, it's the reason I did it. Giving people amusement for a few hours a week. I idolized magic, secretly wished it were true. But it was fake. Awe the crowd with tricks easily explainable. A sleight-of-hand anyone can master.

Cursing the imitative world I lived in, I didn't realize it would bring unexpected consequences. The same tricks no longer worked as intended. Sleight-of-hand no longer needed. And the more venturous tricks...

Harming people was never part of the act. They weren't supposed to bleed.

I wanted to stop; I tried to stop. Any effort was in vain because of him. The man who sat in the front row. His soulless eyes willing me on. I obeyed him, as anyone would. No one refused him.

I got the magic I desired, but at a price. Now I was the recruiter.


Thanks for reading!  Maybe a twist you weren't expecting? 

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