Knocking at the Door

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I sit here reading my book. A good book. An adventurous book.

I check the time, though I already checked it several times in the past few minutes. I know it'll happen soon.

So I continue to read my book. An admirable book. A realistic book.

Then, right on time, the knock came. At first, it was soft, then it grew rougher. More aggressive. Soon the door was being pounded on, the knob shaking violently.

But I turned back to my book. My valuable book. My picture book.

I did my best to ignore the desperate attempts to get inside my room. Yet, I knew it was inevitable. It was time. The door couldn't withstand the force forever.

It broke, letting the darkness in.

And I sat there, waiting, looking at my book. Looking at my favorite book one last time. Looking at my family's photo album... one last time.

Before darkness engulfed me.


Thanks for reading this short short story!

I was watching the show Supernatural when I got this idea. The idea that a darkness was coming for the protagonist, and in their last moments, instead of running or screaming out to be spared, the person, whomever they were, immersed themselves into the pages of a photo album. Letting their life fill their eyes before being whisked away forever. 

It's supernatural, maybe scary to consider yourself in this situation, but also peaceful. You see it in many movies and books, the main characters recounting their happier times before the end. 

Anyway, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this little bit. :) 

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