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Washing the dishes from dinner, I looked outside at my backyard, which was mainly a forest. The sunset gave a nice orange color over the trees, illuminating several feet into the tree line where animals hid. Deer would generally come out to feed around this time on whatever they could find in my yard, and I tried not to bother them.

This time around, they didn't come, which was unusual but not concerning. There were plenty of other backyards to explore for food.

It didn't take long for the sun to set as I finished cleaning. Night's darkness replaced the orange color, and I could no longer see anything in the tree line.

Upon my last plate to put away, I noticed an alarming number of yellow eyes staring out of the forest. They all felt like they were looking at me, though there was no way to tell. I assumed it was the deer making a late trip to my yard. Ignoring it, I went into the living room for some late-night comedy shows.

A storm started a while later. Lightning flashed occasionally but worsened over time. It made the sudden banging at my nearby window startle me.

Whipping my head towards the noise, I saw the same yellow eyes from before. I couldn't make out their owner in the darkness, but I could tell they were not the shape of deer upon flashes of lightning. They looked at me intensely and shot shivers down my spine.

Lightning flashed again, and the eyes were gone. I stared outside for a while to see if the eyes would come back, but they didn't. Relieved, I stood up to walk over to the window, peering outside at the darkness. There were no eyes to be seen.

Then everything went black, and I turned to one of my light switches to flip it on and off. Nothing happened, which confirmed my worries.

I opened my basement door, flashlight in hand. Yellow eyes stared back at me from the darkness that was my basement. They grew in number, one by one. Then a wet hand stretched out from the darkness, covering my face.


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! 

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