The Ledger

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Vaisley strolls around the many cages housing small birds as there is a knock on the door. Moments later Gisborne appears in the doorway and steps into the room. “You wanted to see me, Sir?”

“You spoke to our little assassin friend last night, did you not?”

“I did. I caught her as she was leaving the village doctor.”

Vaisly turns to look at him. “Doctor? What for?”

“One of my guards shot her in the arm as she was escaping with our prisoner.”

“I can only imagine how she reacted to that.” He says with a smirk.

“She was angry with me for having her shot at but I did not give the order.”

“Of course you didn’t Gisborne. You’re too caught up in fancying her.” Gisborne glares at him and he reaches into a cage and takes the bird out, examining it. “I’m the one that ordered the shot.”

Gisborne’s face twists into an expression of confusion. “Why? You could have killed her and if she would have die, King John…”

“I didn’t try to kill her.” Vaisley snaps. “If I wanted her dead she would have been by now.”

“Then why…”

“Because Gisborne, she yelled at us for making her almost lose her cover. Therefore, I had a guard shoot at her so that she looked like an enemy instead of ally to Mush—“

“Much.” Gisborne corrected only to be waved off.

“Whatever his name. Now she looks like a hero and is back in their good graces.”

A grin creeps up onto Guy’s face. “You planned it.”

The sheriff gives him a bored look. “Of course I planned it. In situations like this, you have to think ahead.” He rolls his eyes at Guy’s expression and waved him off. “Go do something. I don’t need you standing around grinning like a fool all day.”

Guy’s grin falters and his signature scowl returns. “Should I ready the men to head into Mansfield for tax day as planned?” He receives no reply. Assuming it to be confirmation, he turns on his heel and leaves to tend to his duties.

When I awake the next morning, I find only Isaac bent over a small fire lazily stirring a foggy liquid in pot. Bolting upright to look around, I wince as I suddenly move my stiff arm. “Where is Robin and Alan?” I demand. “What happened?”

Isaac glances over at me with a bored expression. “Nothing happened. Early this morning, Robin went into Loxley to check on Much and Djaq told Robin about some ridiculously high tax or something like that and how some people were injured over it in a nearby village. After hearing that, Robin and Alan immediately set off to go talk to the people.”

“And why didn’t you wake me?” I ask hotly.

He shrugs. “Robin told me not to.”

“Oh he did, did he? Well just remember that you owe fealty to me first and foremost.” I snap as I try to move my stiff arm once more and wince at the effort.

“Sorry.” He replies with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. “I also figured that you could use the rest, what with your wound and recent restless nights.”

“I’m fine.” I mutter. “My arm is just a little stiff. That’s all.”

“Here. Drink this.” He spoons out some of the foggy liquid into a cup and hands it to me. I grab it with my good arm and peer into it.

Betrayal (Shadow Hunters Trilogy #1) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now