Change of Plans

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A/N: Sorry for the delay. Haven't been feeling very well. The next chapter should be up really soon since I have 3/4 of it done already. 


As I drifted off into unconsciousness, the entire scene replayed over and over in my mind. I had him. His heart was perfectly aligned with the tip of my sword. In one swift movement, Delvin would physically feel my pain. The pain his betrayal brought on just because my husband and I wanted to go far away and live as a real married couple. Now, thanks to yet another betrayal, I am unable to avenge my husband.

As I feel myself start slipping back into consciousness, I become gradually aware of my surroundings. I hear faint whispers nearby that stop when I start to stir. I attempt to open my eyes, in hopes of awaking in the afterlife to see my husband's face. My vision is still blurred as I can barely make out the two figures nearby. The more conscious I become, the more aware I am of the condition my body is in. I feel weighed down and horribly sore all over as if I was killed by something large and heavy had crushed me.

Another figured entered the room and stood near the door with the other two. One of the first two say something before the newest person walks over to where I lay. I grunt as pain radiates through my body when I try to sit up to try and defend myself. I feel them place a hand on my chest near my shoulder. "Take it easy. Try not to move so much." They say in a soft tone. My brow furrows. Why does that voice sound familiar? I look up at the person and blink a few times before the blurriness starts to slowly fade. The first thing I'm able to make out is the brownish blonde hair and boyish features. His face is set in a concerned expression. "Isaac?" I croak. My voice sounds rusty and unfamiliar as if it hasn't been used in a while. "You're dead too?"

He shakes his head. "You're not dead. You were close but luckily they got to you in time."

"Who did?" I ask. "Where are we?"

He opens his mouth to answer but a deeper voice answers from the doorway. "You're back home."

I turn my head and am greeted by a sudden pain which makes me wince. My vision clears after a moment and I see the bulky man with red hair. I give him a confused look. "Edric?" My breathing picks up as I panic. Isaac and Edric are here and I saw Lucia with Delvin not to long ago... "What the hell is going on?"

Isaac leans forward and puts his hand on my arm. "Calm down, Eva. We're back at the Sanctuary in Southwell. You're home."

With all my strength, I force myself to sit up. I cry out from the pain but I can't lie back anymore. Looking down at myself, I notice all the bandages and I look around. The room starts to tilt here and there but I try to stay up. "That makes no sense." I say breathing heavily. "Not too long ago, I was in Bradford which is a long ways from here. How the hell am I suddenly back home?" I pause to breathe. "I was shot by that bitch Lucia and blacked out. I should be dead right now."
"Maybe you should rest a little before we explain anything..." Isaac frowns.

"No! I want answers now!" I demand.

Isaac looks back helplessly at Edric who shrugs. He walks into the room and kneels next to my bed. I look at him expectantly. 'Well? Start talking!" I demand. "What happened after I passed out?"

"First of all, Lucia saved your life regardless of what you think." Edric says.

"The bitch shot me!" I exclaim. "If it wasn't for her, Delvin would be dead right now!"

"And so would you.." He shoots back. "Delvin found out you were coming after him. Lucia shot you with a poisoned arrow that slowed your heart so that when Delvin slit your wrists and your neck, you didn't bleed out. It gave Dyota and I time to get to you to bandage you up."

Betrayal (Shadow Hunters Trilogy #1) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now