A Feast Worthy Of Outlaws

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The thick fog surrounded the camp like a veil sealing them within their own little world. While Much cooked on the small fire, the gang lounged about lazily. Robin is stretched on on the soft ground toying with the sting on his bow when he pauses for a moment, listening. He sits up and looks over in the direction of the road and Little John looks over at him. "What's is it, Robin?"

Robin remains still for a moment before grinning at his friend. "It seems we have some travelers on the road. Shall we introduce ourselves?"

John smiles and everyone stands up from where they sit. Robin turns to look at Much who looks down at the food he's cooking. "Much, you can stay here and prepare our little feast for our guest."

Much is about to object but seeing Robin's, expression, nods solemnly before kneeling back down. Robin motions for the other three to follow him and start towards the road.

"I really hope that it's some fat abbott or lord." Alan says. "Hopefully it's not just some old beggar again."

Robin chuckles to himself but remains silent, holding his hand up to silence the men as they came closer to the road. He lifts up his hood enough to conceal his face but still enabling him to see and quickly grabs an arrow from his quiver and draws his bow. Slowly he advances toward the front of the of the figure on his horse.

I walk up alongside Isaac, as we walk along the road. "Why didn't you take your horse?" He asks.

I smile. "You'll see."

We walk along the road for a while until I stop. I hear a twig snap not to far. "Keep going." I say to Isaac, just above a whisper.I raise my hood and put my shroud on to conceal my face. I let Isaac ride ahead of me slightly so I could just barely make him out in the fog and get an arrow ready. I carefully make my steps to prevent making sounds. It doesn't tak long until I hear the rustling of trees and my heart beats a little faster. Isaac continues and I wonder if I'm just hearing things when he finally stops abruptly. I stop as well and about to ask him what's wrong when he lets out a startled gasp.

"Hello." I hear a smooth, masculine voice say from in front of Isaac. I see nobody since the fog is so thick but turn my head slightly to hear him. "Care to accompany my friends and I to a little feast?"

Isaac studders for a moment, probably starstruck by meeting such a famous person and I take my chance to step closer with my bow draw and aimed at the man. "Mind if I join this little feast?" I ask.

The man, whom has a bow similar to mine pointed at Isaac, looks over at me. He's dressed mostly in lincoln green with a forest green cloak with the hood covering most of his face. The only part uncovered his is mouth and chin, which is his covered in light brown stubble. As he looks at me, he smiles and lowers his bow.

"Of course, my lady." He says smoothly. He does a small bow, probably to mock me, saying, "It would be an honor for both of you to join me."

"Good." I nod. I keep my bow trained on him and he chuckles. "If I may first ask for you to lower your weapon. I mean you no harm."

I glance up to Isaac to see if he knows if this is true and he nods. Sighing, I lower my bow and the man bows once more before straightening.

"Now, come with me!" He says joyfully. Suddenly three other men appear with the biggest one leading the horse. I walk next to the first man, aware of the two men behind us and the one on the other side of the horse talking with Isaac.

As they lead us through the fog, I try to figure out whom is who. I know that one of the men behind me is Alan a Dale since I saw him yesterday but the young man walking beside him I'm not sure about. I glance around and think that surely none of these guys could be the man I saw sneaking around at night. What was his name again?

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