A Minor Issue

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We enter our camp just before the sun starts to rise. I start to walk over to where I was sleeping when I feel Robin touch my arm. I pause and look over at him. “Same time tomorrow?” He jokes, giving me a smile. I chuckle.

“Goodnight Robin.”

“Goodnight Eva.”

“Much…..Much!” Isaac chuckles, waving a hand in front of him. Much’s gaze never leaves the couple off to the side, laughing with one another.

“What do you think is going on with those two?” Much asks. Isaac follows Much’s gaze to look at Eva and Robin sitting together laughing and smiling at one another. Inwardly smirking, Isaac frowns. “I have no idea… I’m going to guess that they like each other.”

Much gives him a shocked look before looking back at them. “I hope not!” He purses his lips. “This,” he motions to Eva with the stick he was messing with, “Is exactly what I said would happen!” Receiving a confused look, he continues. “When you two were out doing drop offs and buying ingredients, we had a little gang meeting.”

“About what?” Isaac asks.

“Whether or not we wanted to keep you and your sister in the gang.” Much falls silent for a moment until Isaac urges him on.


Much shrugs. “I voted to keep you.”

“I figured as much.” Isaac says with a small smile. “What about my sister?”

Much glances back at Eva before looking down, crossing his arms. “I said that having a woman in the group would be dangerous and distracting.”

“But she’s expert archer.” Isaac points out.

Much looks up at him with a stony expression. “I don’t want to see my master get hurt again.”

Moments later, we hear a whistle and Little John instantly goes on alert. “That’s Will or Alan.”

Smiling, Robin straightens from leaning against the tree. “Looks like we have company!” He holds his hand up and Isaac tosses him his bow before motioning for Little John and Isaac to join him.

“What about me?” Much pipes up.

Robin shrugs as he fastens his cloak. “That’s up to you, Much. You can stay here and hold down the camp or you can join.”

Much looks around at the camp. “Well somebody should probably keep an eye on things…” He says to himself. He turns to Robin to say he’ll stay when he sees Robin smile at Eva.

“Now you’ll really get to see what we do.” Robin says, holding his hand out to help her up.

Much purses his lips before springing to his feet. “I’ll go! Maybe Eva should watch the camp while the rest of us go.” Much suggests.

Robin frowns. “Well, I was going to show her how we deal with travelers since we haven’t had many as of late…”

Eva rises to her feet. “That’s alright, Robin. I can stay here. I know how you treat travelers.” I chuckle. “Isaac and I both know since you did it to us.”

“Are you sure?” Robin asks. “You can come if you’d like.”

“I’m sure.” She nods. “Go on ahead.”

“See!” Much says happily. “It’s settled! Let’s go!” He grabs his sword and walks over towards Robin as we hear another whistle.

“Alright…” Robin bends over to retrieve his quiver and then him, John and Much left to meet up with Will and Alan. Isaac trails behind a little bit to talk to Eva.

Betrayal (Shadow Hunters Trilogy #1) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now