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It was a great day the sun wasn't too hot and there was a cool breeze, it was a perfect day to go out and have a picnic. It was her very first picnic by the way. HER VERY FIRST PICNIC!! She was practically screaming of joy in her mind. Even though the farm was great and all, she always had a longing to go outside the fences. She was very excited about it and everyone was coming along including George, his wife Natalie (our owners) and all animals including her best friend Tangerine. Tangerine is a Silkie (A very fluffy chicken breed). It was also Periwinkle and Tangerine's first time outside the fences. "Can you believe it's our first time outside the fences and best of all it's a picnic and we didn't have to help set it up, lucky us huh?" said Tangerine. "Yeah I know, our parents can talk about boring parent-ish stuff and have snacks like couch potatoes and we can explore and explore and explore some more! Isn't exploring just great?" I replied "Of course and if I didn't like exploring we wouldn't have been best friends we would be more like, just neighbours. Ha! Can you imagine that?" Tangerine declared "And I don't like the sound of that either" Periwinkle replied.

"Alright everyone let's move it" Natalie announced. "Let's go!" She exclaimed after her.

They followed George and Natalie and when they opened the gates it felt like they opened a gateway to heaven. Her first time outside the fences should be amazing nothing can go wrong. Breathing in the smell of the outside world, this will be great. George and Natalie laid down a mat and sat on it, near one of the trees with their things. Then all the animals came outside all the parents sat down and some of the children did the same, while the rest of the children were playing, jumping or running.

The forest which was close to the farm wasn't dense there were trees here and there with grass covering the land and patches of weird shrubs, and little bit of sunlight entered through the canopies. making it kind of shady.

Her Mom was talking to Peach's mom. Since there were many kids and her mom probably thought that she was one of them who were close to her mom. Her mom knew that she loved exploring so before the picnic Periwinkle got lectured about how dangerous the outside world was but she could barely listen as she couldn't think about anything other than the picnic. She told Periwinkle to stay close by.

"Tangerine let's go" I said. "Are you sure, I mean.... I love exploring but the adults said what they said for a reason they are more experienced than we are so they know what they're talking about" "Let's explore here first and then maybe we'll go far off, okay?" "Come on Tangerine don't talk like everybody else our parents are farm animals they have lived in the farm for their whole lives how are they supposed to know if it's dangerous or not it's just all exaggerated Tall tales." She explained frustrated. She was surprised that Tangerine said that. Maybe Tangerine was scared to go off on her own but she would show her their parents were wrong.

"I hope you are right" Tangerine muttered.

So to make sure no one saw us leave, we pretended to be playing somewhere at the boundary were the kids played and then we went behind one of the trees. We went slowly farther and farther of the forest and that's where we saw the sunrise among all the greenery. It wasn't like the sunrise she was used to seeing at the farm. The forest had trees scattered in abundance with some wild plants scattered around. And some patches of grass.

"Wow it's so beautiful and mesmerizing" said Tangerine. What could be better than watching a sunrise with your best friend in the deep forest surrounded by so many different kinds of wildlife.

Wow they probably went farther than they should have, it's all right she just had to smell her way back it wouldn't be that hard she used her smell quite often especially in the farm to know if breakfast was served. Tangerine's smell wasn't as good as hers though.

Then suddenly they heard some rustling of leaves. She wondered if something was watching them behind their back. "Did you hear that......?" Tangerine sounded like she was scared. "It's probably just the wind" although I was unsure. There it was again this time louder and along with the sound of breaking twigs "I don't feel any wind if it was the wind shouldn't we be able to feel it" A cold chill ran down our spine. We were scared for dear life!

The rustling continued and then finally a figure the shape of a dog appeared out of that same greenery we were mesmerized by.

"What is that?" I asked in a low voice out of horror.

Then out of the bushes emerged a figure which looked like a big dog it was ginger color from back and it's underbelly was paler and slightly pink, its ears were shot up. What was in front of them was a dingo.

"Don't you know? I am a dingo" she announced.

Oh no, a rush of panic jolted through her head. She's a dingo. Dingoes are wild dogs that can be solitary hunters or pack hunters and how big their prey depends on how many dingoes are hunting together. We are both small prey and we are young and even an adult of her species may only have a slim chance to outrun a dingo. Only one of us can survive. We were just about 2 months old.

If we tried to run then it would be official that we are prey. I tried to signal Tangerine but it seems like she knew the rules all too well she looked relaxed but her wings were trembling.

Wait how do I KNOW THAT IS A DINGO? I have never seen a dingo before.....

Periwinkle really? you might face your death and you are thinking about that?

I can try to compromise with the dingo. The dingo was about to pounce. She mustered the courage. But as soon as she was about to say a word someone interrupted her.

"Periwinkle, Tangerine what are you....." She heard a shocked voice. It was her mother and a few other animals from the farm. They all froze when they saw the dingo. Surprisingly the dingo looked as shocked and confused as her mother was, this was confusing.

The dingo brought herself together and got ready to pounce again "If you try to do anything against us say goodbye to the piglet, I will track it down at the night, and shred it!" 

"No you can't the fa-the place where we live is impenetrable we knew there were dingoes in the area." Autumn, Tangerine's mom almost said farm. It's a good thing she didn't tell her about the farm. If the dingo knew about the farm then she could come with her pack (if she had one) and ruin our home.

"I'll find a way in and that is only if you decide to attack my pack" said the dingo.

"What's the point if we say that we won't attack you, you already know that we're here all you have to do is to sniff where we are and bring your pack and hunt us all!" said Gabriel one of the goats. He's an Australian Cashmere goat. "Trust me I'm the only one who knows how you smell." 

"You're wrong sister, I was told to follow you in case something goes wrong it seems you've found a jackpot and you are going to let it go" out on the left came another dingo.

"What why didn't you tell me, I should know if I have someone following me" said the first one.

"That's not what's important in fact you should be thanking me now there's a lot of prey for us to hunt"

"No, they'll lay traps just like before"

"Haven't you listened to anything we have taught you Bluebell? I don't have time to argue with you"

Bluebell? She thought dingo names were supposed to be fierce and scary like, something similar to skull crusher. Ughhh how could she think about dingo names when her life is at stake??.... From a distance she heard a faint noise, it sounded like a dead cow? But there was no smell of a dead cow around.

"Wait did you hear that?" said Bluebell. "Yes it sounds like......." Without saying anything else the dingoes ran towards the sound of the dead cow. They probably thought it was better to have a bigger meal than to leave themselves exposed.

Periwinkle was lucky she escaped with her life, But she couldn't shake off the thought of those dingoes their conversation was not something she expected

The moment they left everyone ran back to the farm. And after that incident Periwinkle was grounded for 5 months she got a separate room to sleep in without her mother and everyone treated her like she was invisible, like she didn't exist..... 

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