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Escape. The first thought that came into her mind. Who would want to escape? The farm was perfect, cosy and most of all safe. She had heard tales from other animals that the outside world was dangerous filled with animals that hunted the other animals. They were called predators. And also because of her past experiences she would not risk to do that, it was really painful when she was treated like she didn't exist. After almost a year they finally forgave her. Though only some of them really forgave her......

Would I want to escape?

No, no, no I would not. But who did? Or maybe some chick came along and found a worm or an ant and decided to have a snack. No. The hole was deeper than that almost like a tunnel. She could tell by seeing it. The best thing to do is to cover it. Yes that would be a good idea. No one should find out. If she told someone about it she would be accused of doing it.

She picked some leaves out of the bush quietly with her mouth so the chicks wouldn't hear the rustling of the leaves when she had enough leaves something stopped her.

If it really was a tunnel did it lead to the outside world? She remembered the incident with the dingoes..............

She was lucky they survived.

But even though she went through all that pain it was in all her dreams about living in nature outside the fences and being free. She didn't know why but she knew because of it she lost her best friend Tangerine. Tangerine's parents decided that Periwinkle was a bad influence to tangerine and separated them and forbade them from being friends again. She remembered the time she was treated like she was invisible, staring at Tangerine from the crevice in her room. She remembered the misery....

Maybe I should ask the chicks if they knew something about it, that would probably be a good idea except the fact that they will wonder what I had been doing here in the first place and suspect THAT I WAS THE ONE WHO DUG THE HOLE AND I WILL BE LOCKED UP AND WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO TALK TO EVE AGAIN. Well then go from somewhere else and pretend you never saw it until now. Easy as napping.

She tip toed behind the bush but she stepped on twigs. LIKE 10 twigs where did those even come from? and to her horror it made a loud cracking noise.

"Did you hear that?" one of the chicks asked and they were ALL staring at the bush where she was hiding behind. OH NO THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING. NO NO NO NOOOOOO.

If she got caught, it would be the end of the WORLD. She peeked through the leaves and had to hope she was being discreet. 

But of course just her luck, the moment she took a look, there was humongous chaos that ran through the entire flock of chicks the MOMENT she took a look. Periwinkle felt her chest constrict. She fell back and became as small as she could on impulse.

She could hear cries of terror and restless flapping of wings, muffled because her ears were covered.

Oh no. Why is this happening to me? I'm not a bad piglet. What have I done wrong?

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