An Unexpected distraction

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But Eve is in there, what if something happens to her, when i could have stopped it?

Periwinkle risked a look and saw a figure drop in from the sky, she couldn't see its colors or other details about it because it was in front of the sunlight but in the second that she saw it, the only thing she registered was how its body kind of looked like the birds that lived on the farm but its head was sleek, its beak was pointy, its body and wings were huge and its talons were literally terrifying. She realized something was in its talons. Something or someone.

Without thinking she leapt out of her hiding spot, raced to the spot where the chick had been a few seconds ago digging for ants, and shrieked "NO, EVE!" But it was too late the winged silhouette went aloft within a millisecond. Taking away the one animal that made her believe there was a way to forget her trauma. Her best friend.

No no no no this can't be happening. She tried to keep up with the creature but it was too fast for her and in no time it went to the place she couldn't go. It went outside the fences.

Periwinkle skittered to a stop and was an inch facing the fence. If there was any chance she could have done anything to save Eve it was gone. But then again she probably wouldn't be helpful anyway. But if it had to happen to anyone, why Eve? she hasn't done anything wrong to anyone, she always radiated optimism because of which she could put a smile on anyone's face if they were down in the dumps. That was something she admired in Eve, it was because of Eve she was able to recover from her depression even though it lingered at times it was way more bearable with Eve and almost disappeared too.

If anyone deserved to be captured it was Periwinkle of all animals, definitely not Eve. Someone needs to go after that creature, I need to find someone who could do that.

When Periwinkle turned back she noticed something glaring at her from the top of the fence opposite to her. The realisation hit her like a storm would. It was none other than the creature that took Eve away.

Now that she saw it, it was large slim-bodied, with long slender legs and a long tail, rounded at the tip. It was mainly dark brown above and the white rump was prominent. Its beak was so dangerously pointy and its talons really freaked her out. While everyone else were running for their lives, it stood in eerie stillness. The bird and her were staring at each other.

She noticed that by now everyone had gone to their home leaving the bird and her as the only ones left.

With a swift moment the bird took off and she observed that its wings were long and broad, with 5 feathers that stuck out like human fingers would. What she didn't realise was that it was flying toward HER.

Periwinkle had no idea what to do she just froze for a few seconds. Mushrooms and mongooses should I stay still or should I run or should fight back?

Staying still would just get her caught even though it seemed like the only thing she could do. If she ran, the bird would definitely catch up with her as she wasn't much of an athlete. And Periwinkle was sure she mentioned how she felt about the birds talons so that was crossed off the list.

The creature was getting closer by the second and soon she found herself under its shadow and the creature's wings almost had Periwinkle cornered without any escape. Periwinkle felt adrenaline rush through her body, she felt her chest constrict as though it was burning she felt her life was soon bound to end but she couldn't let that happen. If she was gone too, she would never see Eve again and everything she wanted to do in her life. She couldn't lose her hope even though she felt like she didn't have any left.

I can't die yet I have much more to life. It was really scary and also stupid if it wouldn't work but she had to try. She took a risk that could either make or break her life.

With a sudden jerk of her body she slid beneath the creature's wings and bolted for her life. She didn't look back and ran as fast and as far as she could. even tough she was still scared and certain the creature would catch she felt herself enjoying as if she was gracefully prancing away like a horse. Even worse she experienced something that definitely wasn't supposed to happen NOW. She was THRILLED. At this time of all times. That was very very very odd. But that could be at the bottom of her list of things to worry about.

She risked a glance at the creature and saw it crash land by flapping its wings backwards to push itself away from the fence and it didn't hit its head by an inch. Periwinkle felt like laughing which wasn't the most appropriate train of thought at the moment.
When the creature collected itself it turned it's malevolent gaze in Periwinkle's direction, looking at her with icy hatred. That freaked her out. A LOT

The creature leaped into the air, propelling itself higher with its wings. Soon it was behind her tail in no time again and loomed over Periwinkle like a dark cloud would covering Periwinkle with its opaque shadow. Periwinkle tried to run faster sprinting with her life trying to escape the creature's dark shadow though she knew it wouldn't be of any use and the faster she tried to run the more tired she got. As of now she was running through the open ground of the farm but was getting closer to caves.

But Periwinkle started to get slower because the exhaustion was killing her. She couldn't run anymore and was out of breath, her feet were aching from how much she ran. It made her lose her determination. At this point she felt dizzy and was on the verge of collapsing. Then again she could totally get an hour of sleep what's the worse that can happen if the creature comes close then I can run.
While thinking this she felt cool wind against her skin and felt a bit relaxed and sleepy. After all that running this was what she needed.
Wait a second, that was weird where did the wind even come from? She turned to see where it was from and came to realise that the creature was seconds from taking her away.
How did you forget you were on the verge of death Periwinkle?
So that's it my life is over now I won't survive anyway. She felt so hurt by that she couldn't believe it she never imagined that this would happen to her of all animals.
Her feet couldn't carry her farther and she collapsed on the grass.
But that was when she realised that the cool wind wasn't there anymore but how was that possible? She was too tired but decided to do it anyway. She slowly turned her head to see that the creature was GONE. She wasn't imagining it, it was really gone. Am I delusional or am I in a really scary dream that doesn't make sense?
When she looked closer at the sky narrowing her eyes, she saw the winged creature winging away. And there was this really strange noise in the background that was strikingly familiar. It was the same sound of the dead animal that saved her before and apparently saved her again.

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