Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I groaned; my head hurt.

Wait...why was I alive? Why could I feel, and breathe?

"Why would you do that?"

I sat up abruptly. The surroundings looked very familiar...I was in a TARDIS! "Doctor?" I croaked, my voice dry.

There was a boy, not the Doctor, who had his back to me. "Not the Doctor," I whispered, and struggled to my feet.

"Why would you do that to me?" he asked, then spun around and walked down. His face was unfamiliar; I'd never seen him before. Though it wasn't terrible to look at. He was handsome. Light brown hair was cut in a fashion similar to the Doctor's, but at the moment it was very ruffled, as if he'd run his hands through it often and recently. He had piercing green eyes and a slender face.

"Oh," he gasped suddenly, backing up against the control panel. "I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else. Who are you?"

I chuckled. "Me? Who are you?"

"I saved your life-answer my question first." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"My answer depends on yours. You're not human though, I've got that. Where'd you get a TARDIS? I thought m-the Doctor's was the last."

He looked down, a sad look in his eye. "It was the last thing to make it off of Gallifrey. I barely escaped the Daleks."

I stood in stunned silence for a minute, then said, "Time Lord. Right. Not the Doctor."

"You keep mentioning him," he said suddenly. "Who's the Doctor?"

"The last Time Lord."

He laughed. "That's a joke, right? I'm the last Time Lord! Have been for about a thousand years!"

I shook my head. It had been so long since the Time War for this boy, and for my dad. But for me, it had been only seventeen years. It hardly seemed fair. "And you're not a regeneration of him-I've seen all his regenerations. But if you're a Time Lord, why haven't I seen you before?"

He stared at me for a minute. His eyes were narrowed, his face pulled tight. He was deep in thought, considering something. I hoped it wasn't whether or not to kill me. Then a spark flew across his eye. Just as quick, it was gone.

"It doesn't matter," he said, almost to himself, and offered me a hand. "Call me Yana."

I almost laughed. The Master had used a similar name, Yana. You Are Not Alone. His name was literally the clue. Taking his hand, I shook it and said, "You may call me..." my eyes twinkled as I sighed an answer. "The Forgiver."

In every sense of the word. As I said it, I was forgiving myself for what I had done, and I was promising to forgive everyone else who had wronged me, past and future.

He smiled. "Mysterious. I can respect that." We walked around to his console and I gasped.

"This one is so much newer than the Doctor's," I grinned. "I bet it's easier to drive too."

"Do you know how to pilot a TARDIS?" he asked with a frown.

"I happen to be a Time Lady myself." I smiled. "And I do have my license."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "I just met you. I don't think I'm going to let you drive my TARDIS."

"Then can you take me home?" I needed to see Amy and Rory, and their son, and if the Doctor went to see them, then I could see him again.

"And where would that be? Because I can't really see a Time Lord settling down anywhere."

"I started over after the Time War. My foster parents know all about Gallifrey and Time Lords, and I haven't been to see them since I regenerated."

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