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I nearly screamed in pain and Tegan dashed back to my side. "No! Get us to Amy!"

He hesitated. "The Time Vortex-"

"She'll be fine! Just get us to Amy!"

I was desperate to get to Amy and Rory because I wanted them to be able to see my daughter, and Rory was a nurse, so he could help me. I knew it was dangerous, being in the Time Vortex while I was in labor, but I needed to get to them.

Tegan ran out to the control panel. I grit my teeth as he threw us into the Time Vortex. "Tegan! Tegan!" I needed him here. The pain was awful.

Running back in, he grabbed my hand and I squeezed tightly.

Then, in the Time Vortex, with only Tegan by my side, I gave birth to a daughter.


Peter ran up to me and grasped my arm; I welcomed anything he had to say. We'd been in a sort of fight recently, and he hadn't been talking to me. It was a couple hours after my daughter's birth now, and I was laying on my bed with my family around me.

I'm sorry, Clary.

"Don't worry. It's okay." Honestly I didn't remember what we were fighting about. I smiled at the eleven-year-old. "Do you want to hold her?"

What if I drop her?

I chuckled. "You won't. Here, sit down." I held her out to him and he gently held her on his lap. "Support her head. There you go."

He touched her skin and gasped. I grabbed Tegan's hand, which seized up. "Peter," I said, scared. She seemed fine, but maybe she was sick. Was she going to die? "Peter, what is it?"

Without looking up from her, he moved his hand from her skin. I gasped when he spoke, sounding older than he was and smarter than I thought he was. "Your daughter is a Seer, Claire Ann."

Rose gasped when she heard and ran over to him. Eleven years, and it was the first sound he had made. "Peter, is something wrong?" I thought maybe when my daughter touched him it blocked his telepathy; he wouldn't have spoken otherwise.

He shook his head and took his mother's hand. She smiled. "Alright then."

He frowned. "What?"

"She's amazing," said Peter. I sat forward, too distracted by him actually talking to comprehend what he was saying.

"Peter, why are you talking now?"

He grabbed my hand.

She needs to hear my voice. What's her name?

I looked at Tegan. "We hadn't discussed a name."

"I thought we decided on Rebecca." He frowned. I nodded.

"That's right. I forgot. Rebecca." And I looked at my dad. "Guess we need to find a place to grow a TARDIS."

He smiled. "Guess so."

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