Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Amy handed the Doctor and I cups full of coffee, giving Rose tea as she'd requested and helped prepare.

The Doctor was obviously not very keen on getting to know Rory or Amy, saying, "Then I'll want to take them with me now, and I can't do that." So the silence was deafening while we waited.

Now that all five of us were sitting down in the living room, I started. I knew that I was the bridge between the two couples for now, so acted accordingly. "Amy, you know how I told you I was a Time Lady?" She nodded. "That's only partly true. I'm also part human and...something else. We aren't really sure yet. I know I've asked before, but do you have any idea who my parents are?"

She shook her head. "You just showed up in the hospital. I even checked the security footage, when I saw you drawing the Doctor, but no one I recognized walked in, and no pregnant woman left without a baby."

I waved it off. "I regenerated into a baby; the hospital is useless. I mean, when I was younger, did I ever talk about anyone other than the Doctor and his companions? Ever?" I had a good memory, but I couldn't remember all the way back to my fifth birthday.

"Not that I can remember. Rory?"

He looked troubled, or deep in thought. Maybe both. "Rory?" I asked.

"There was one thing. A few nights after you moved in with us, you crawled into bed with Amy and I, saying that you had a nightmare. Later on I woke up and you were mumbling in your sleep about your family. Said they were all shot while they were glowing."

I bit my lip. Sounded like a normal dream of mine then-probably the Time War. "Doctor, do you think I was actually dreaming about the Time War? All I remember from my dreams about it is you talking to Bad Wolf with two other regenerations and blowing up the planet or whatever. Had three consecutive dreams about it, and that's all I got."

"Probably. Daleks would shoot Time Lords twice. Once to make them regenerate, another time while they were regenerating to kill them. They didn't spare anyone." He got a sad look on his face and I knew he was thinking of all the babies and children. His wife, sons and daughter. I'd seen him say goodbye to them; he had one wife (Time Lords were adamant believers in only ever marrying once), two boys, and one girl. The girl was the middle child. I was sympathetic toward the Doctor, knowing how much he'd lost, but he had kept going and eventually moved on from his wife to find Rose.

"Yet I survived." I furrowed my brow. "About how old did I look in the hospital?

Rose suggested twenty. Amy said, "Hang on. A woman about that age visited us a day before you were born, Breanne. Brown hair, light eyes, looks like she could kill anyone?"

I nodded.

"She told us that we looked like perfect foster parents; that's actually what got us started looking into it," said Rory.

Starting to speak, I suddenly collapsed from my chair in excruciating pain. Since Amy couldn't easily get down on my level, only Rose knelt beside me. I knew Amy would've been on my other side if she could've.

The Doctor instead sat on my other side and put his fingers on my temple, pushing my hands out of the way. The pain lessened slightly, and Rose called the Doctor nervously. I could only assume he was showing signs of pain.

Quickly I shoved his hands away and pursed my lips. It was only seconds before the pain was gone and I was in darkness.

"You must understand the past to understand the future," said a voice I thought I recognized, but I couldn't place it.

Then I saw war. War in its purest form. Bodies lay everywhere, covering the ground. Wailing of mothers, widows, orphans, rang out, making me cringe. But something was happening. I was moving.

I hardly ever moved in my dreams, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Not with everything else going on.

Not just moving, but I was running. I had a destination.

Then I heard something come from my mouth, but it wasn't my voice. Past regeneration. "Sean! Sean!"

A boy that looked seventeen waved me over, and I dashed to his side. "Have you seen Papa? Or Twinn?" I grabbed his arms, like I was making sure that he was actually alive.

He shook his head. "No. Where's Mama? She was supposed to be with you."

I looked down, but he bowed to catch my eye. "Sister, where is Mama?"

Sister. I gasped inwardly while watching my eyes lift back to his. "I swear on the two suns of Gallifrey, Sean, if I could have done anything, anything..."

He nodded, though he didn't seem grieved. Probably because he was protecting me and would mourn later. "Get behind me. They've been through here; I don't think they're going to come back."

Though I was obviously older, I still stood behind him. Women's limited rights and all. Besides, I was no warrior, and he was definitely built like one.

"We need to get you to the Community of the Seers building."


"I don't care if you aren't supposed to be there for another four years. Twelve Seers have already been killed, and it's the safest building in the city."

I faded to darkness as he grabbed my hand, and when I came to, I was crying.

"Hey, hey. Breanne." Rose took my hands, rubbing the tops. "What's wrong?"

"I saw the war. I told my brother that our mom was dead."

"Your brother?" the Doctor asked sadly. Then he said, "How did you see the Time War? That's the past."

"I don't know. But I heard something before I started seeing the war. Some voice said that I had to understand the past first. I think I'm going to keep getting memories back while I sleep and when I have waking visions. Will they always hurt like this?"

He shook his head. "No. Just at the beginning." I stood up and looked at Amy.

"I think we need to go."

Amy nodded. "I'll call you, or have Rory call you, when he's born."

I gave Rory a warning look. "You better. I'll see you later."

We walked back out, and as Rose closed the TARDIS door, the Doctor asked me questions about my vision, but I felt the need to keep it to myself. "What was your brother's name? Did he call you anything? Did you see anyone else?"

I just rubbed my head. "Doctor, please stop. I don't want to answer any questions right now."

He just nodded, and I walked toward the back. Then I stopped. It wasn't fair to keep all of this from him. "Sean. My brother's name was Sean."

And I left before I could see the shock on his face.

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