overwhelmed: both mind and body

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TOJI wakes up to the sound of his own heartbeat. He opens his eyes and is nearly blinded by the sudden brightness of the room. He squints and groans and an excruciating migraine welcomes him only moments later. It takes longer than it should've for his eyes to adjust, once they do, he finds himself looking around the room. A pale blue paints the walls with bottles of antibiotics and medical equipment littering the white counters. When he turns his head, he finds an empty bed, not far away from his, with wrinkled sheets, an obvious sign of someone having been there recently.

Toji can only frown at his situation. The first thought he had after regaining full consciousness was: ' did I die again?' And it seems the only answer to his question would be no since he definitely doesn't remember waking up in what seemed to be a nurse's office —of all things— the first time he died.

He sits up and is almost immediately overwhelmed. The scent of disinfectant and strong medicine stabs his nose (when's the last time he's smelled something?) His eyes lose focus and his head spins. This only worsens his pounding head.

When his eyes unblur, he squints again — finding it hard to continue to handle the harsh lights (when's the last time he's seen the light?). He decides he should probably do something about that. But when Toji attempts to sit up, the pain on his stomach is too much to bear and he winds up lying down again. He grabs the thin blanket covering his body and pulls it off, revealing bandages wrapping tightly on his torso. When the fuck did I get that? His hands raise to his head in thought and another pair of unexpected bandages welcome him. He frowns when he remembers the events that lead to that injury.

"Not Zen'in, huh?

Good for you."

(At least that explains the headache.)

He scoffs. Fushiguro, he thinks, So that Gojo-kid actually did something about him?

And it clicks. The fact that he died finally sinks in and he remembers — he remembers the time he spent dead, alone in the dark. ( Since he died at the hands of Gojo Satoru, when's the last time he's been in touch with his senses?)

Since he was revived by that hag, he answers his own question, by that necromancer. But he wasn't really alive even then, he didn't have control over his body. Only the ability to think.

He remembers waking up and the only thought on his mind being carnage. Must've been that witch's doing, he decides. The Sorcerer Killer does not murder without a price or benefit. For him to have woken up from death and the only thought in his mind be of killing, it must've only been that witch's doing.

When his headache gets to the point of agony, he closes his eyes. His body is weak, he realizes. Woken up from death and sensitive to all its senses. He's unsure how or why, but he survived death a second time, and is now in an unknown area. He needed to get up, he decided. It's dangerous for him here. He's already spent too much time laying down, he needed to get up. 'You don't know where you are or who is around.' Whoever brought him here could still be around . 'Are you looking to die a third time?'  Toji has more enemies than friends. He needed to get up.

Toji can't tell how many seconds, minutes, hours, it takes for him to get a grasp of his senses, but he does eventually. He attempts to sit up a second time and succeeds, but that happiness is only short lived when he attempts to stand up for the first time and his legs give out, letting him fall harshly on the ground. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck.

His body hasn't given up on him like this in years . Even most of the training that he endured while still stuck with the Zen'ins wasn't enough to put him in this state.

He supposes he was trapped in an empty, dark space for who knows how long with no simulation or reason to move. Any normal person would give out, if not from the shock then from the mental impact of realizing 'holy shit, I survived death.' But Toji... is Toji—not a normal person. He's never been normal, never been treated normally, and he'll be damned if he starts now.

He grabs onto the edge of his bed for support and gets up again. Leaning on a near wall, he tries to walk. This time, it takes a few steps until he almost falls again. At least this time, he was able to catch himself. He thinks 'this is progress' before he thinks 'this is problematic.'

It takes longer than it should have for him to reach the door. When he goes to turn the knob, his heart almost stops when the door opens from the other side. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, FUCK .

He tries to move back—terrible mistake. He only ends up falling again and his eyes widen, his mind immediately trying to think of a way to defend himself in his state.

He finds nothing.

Ah, shit.

"After I complete these tests on you, you should be able to-" The old woman stops in her tracks once she spots an unanticipated Toji on the floor. Her shock is only short lived however, as she soon says, "Ah, I see you've woken up."

She moves closer to Toji, much to his disapproval but there was not much he could do to stop her in his position on the floor. When she moves, though, she reveals the person she was talking to before entering the room.

Toji didn't know his eyes could get any wider. He didn't know his heart could skip as many beats as it felt like it did.

'What's your name?'

'... Fushiguro?'

(He has a thousand and one complaints as he stares at his son, none of which are said out loud but he makes sure the universe knows of their existence as he swears profoundly in his head. The gods have always been against him, he knows, but man , they have never made it ever so clearer.)

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