Chapter 11

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Just wanted to try first person again :)

Olivia's POV: 

He walked threw the door frame of the room and my heart stopped. 

Why? What? How? When?

Those were the only things I could think about. 

"'ello love? 'ello?" is all I heard before everything went dark. 


I jumped up from my sleep. I breathed heavily as I felt sweat roll my the side of my face. 

"Huh? What?" I looked around and no one was around me. 

I turned to my dresser and reached for my bright blue water bottle trying not to fall off my bed. I chugged as much water as I could in one gulp. I took a quick breather before gulping it down my throat again. 

I gently put down my water bottle after drinking the whole thing. Then it all made sense to me, if that was all a dream......then that means....

I rushed out of my room and through the hallway into the kitchen. I froze in my tracks. I saw, Harry, Edward, Marcel, and Noah all sitting at the table playing a game.

"Noah! I missed you!" I yelled running and giving him the biggest hug ever.

"Oh. Hey Liv. Y-you missed me? But all you did was go to sleep for the night?" he reassured her wrapping his s arms around her.

"I...I know but can't I still miss my brother?" Olivia asked.

"I mean I guess?" he spoke but then turning his head back to the cards game they were playing.

It was all a dream. One dream. One continuous dream that felt like months. So that part was a dream that means....dang it! I didn't go to the concert, I didn't try to run away from Rob, and Marcel and I aren't together!

Wow! I must say, some crazy dream. B-but how do I know it wasn't real? I thought long and hard about this until I looked out of my peripheral vision and saw Marcel sitting there with hot chocolate in his hand staring at me. So was that part true? Did he like me back?

Yes, I still do like him. No, my "crush" for him will never fade. I know this because he is seriously the sweetest guy I've ever met and he never had any other friend but me, so the "crush" thing kind of just happened since we've spent so much time together.

But then, I smelt something. It didn't smell good. Like some burning of some sort. Edward. Obviously it is was. I took a look out the back door to see Edward leaning on the banister with a cigarette in one of his hands and a lighter in the other. Snow falling off the roof and onto his head, sliding down the back of his leather jacket, going down to his pants, and then finally hitting the floor.

This isn't a good habit for him, but we've tried everything we can to get him to stop. It's gotten worse ever since school break started. Oh yeah, that whole "summer vacation" thing, didn't happen either, or winter break right now.

Harry, him and Noah are having an intense game of go fish. Yes. Go fish. It's a fun game, don't get me wrong, but they look way too into the game then anything right now.

"Ha! I win!" Harry called out. I covered my ears as to how loud he spoke.

"Sorry love" he told me with a sincere look on his face, "I win" he spoke quitter this time.

I headed back to my room and as I did heard little shuffling of feet get closer and closer. I kept walking and walking and the noise got louder. I turned around and lifted my hand in the air, I swung think Noah was there, he could take it, but no. It had to be Marcel, didn't it. Harry and Noah were too busy playing their game that they didn't notice what was going on around them.

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