01 | bulma, dragon ball

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[Name] didn't know why he agreed to this.

First of all, [Name] didn't believe in these so called "dragon balls". He very much did believe in ghosts, vampires, and maybe even flying humans—but seven dragon balls that can grant any wish once put together? No. It sounds stupid and unbelievable!

Secondly (and most importantly), after [Name] found out why Bulma wanted to find the dragon balls he almost instantly regretted agreeing, scolding himself for not asking for her reasoning beforehand, because what the hell?

"I want to wish for the most perfect boyfriend!" She had gushed while they were driving to find their first dragon ball (second, if you count the one she had found in her basement).

[Name] had half a mind to straight up jump out of the car and run away after hearing his the girl he loved say something like that because was he not right there? "What about me?" He wanted to say, but bit his tongue and teased her about it instead. [Name] liked to think he was a pretty good guy, of course everyone has their flaws but he didn't think he had enough to kick him out of the possible boyfriend lineup.

Wait, was he even considered in the first place?

"Bulma watch out!" [Name] took hold of the wheel, pulling it towards him as they both yelled after seeing a kid dragging along a giant fish. The car skidded to a stop, both of them looking at each other with wide eyes. "Did we just kill a child, oh my gosh we're the lowest of the low, the scum of the earth, we—" [Name]'s frantic rant was cut short when the kid stumbled out from behind the fish, and angered look on his face.

"You evil beast! You're trying to steal my food, aren't you?!" He clenched his fists, darting forward. Before they knew it, the two and the car were being lifted into the air, "Well i wont let you!" The car was thrown to the side, [Name] reaching over and wrapping his arms around Bulma as best as he could.

"What the hell?!" [Name] exclaimed, very terrified at the fact a child just threw a fucking car! [Name] stared at the the ground in a daze, mind still trying to process what just happened. He only snapped back to reality when he heard the kids voice call Bulma a goblin, which he definitely didn't like, she was a princess! He popped up next to Bulma, who dropped a gun to the ground—wait, a gun? When did she get that? Did she try shooting that monster—um, kid?!

She held her hands up in surrender, [Name] following in suit. "Time out! I'm not a goblin, we're human!"


Bulma jumped out of the car, motioning for [Name] to do the same. They held their hands up as the kid examined them. Is this what life has come to? I must be crazy...he's a kid...I'm scared of a kid, [Name] thought pitifully, This is why Bulma doesn't want me as a boyfriend! I'm not manly enough!

𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑, oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now