04 | seijuro shin, eyeshield 21

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[Name] and Shin have been best friends for as long as they could remember. They were there for the good times, the bad, the tears, and well, everything. They were inseparable. If you wanted to find Shin then there was a good chance [Name] would be right by his side—literally, it was like [Name] was a puppy following Shin around and vise versa.

You could say there have been times when people wondered if they were really just 'best friends'.

But when Shin got his first girlfriend in his last year of middle school those rumors died down pretty quickly. Though, after almost three months of dating, his girlfriend broke up with him, her reasoning being 'it felt like i was dating [Name] too'.

Her feelings were completely valid.

Shin spoke about [Name] like there was no tomorrow, even inviting him out on things that she had wanted to consider dates. She didn't blame [Name] at all, she knew that the male wasn't aware of her feelings or the fact what he thought was group hang out were actually supposed to be dates.

Going into freshman year with a girlfriend who later breaks up with you because she said you were too attached to your best friend wasn't a good look.

At the end of the day, it is high school, rumors spread like wildfire.

Shin didn't care though, he was straight, [Name] was straight. Well...Shin thought he was. It was safe to say he was completely shocked when some random guy came up to the pair and kissed [Name] right on the lips—in front of him! Shin couldn't even comprehend the words his best friend was saying to him, too stunned by the scene that happened a few seconds prior.


Shin finally snapped out of his daze, blinking slowly as he stared at his best friend. [Name] was leaning comfortably in the unknown males arms, two worried faces stared back at him. "Seijuro?"

"Uh, y-yes!"

"Is it—is this okay?" [Name] asked hesitantly, obviously referring to the guy who was currently holding [Name] so intimately.

Shin let his usual unimpressed expression return, looking down at his food in front of him. How could [Name] be dating a boy?! How didn't Shin know? Shin felt as if [Name] didn't trust him, which was reasonable to believe considering [Name] never thought it wasn't important enough to tell him! They were best friends for goodness sake, how could [Name] even keep something so big from him? Though as much as his thoughts begged to be spoken, he just shrugged and played around with his food, no longer hungry. "Yes." He said, "I was just surprised, sorry."

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