03 | oikawa tooru, haikyuu

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[D. Name] — Dad Name
[M. Name] — Mom Name

Now, [Name] loved his dad, he was amazing, but he did not want to spend time at his work.

Unfortunately, [Name] had no choice. Technically he did, but both choices were bad. He could either be supervised by his father, who works at a physical therapy office, or go to his mothers work at an office and be most likely be forced to file papers for hours.

He chose his mothers work once, he didn't really appreciate the paper cuts he was left with after that. As you can tell, he picked his father now.

[Name] eyed the area, there was only two other people in the room besides him, a worker at the desk a few feet away and a patient scheduling a new appointment for the next week.

"[Name]?" The woman called out to him, briefly looking away from her computer to grab a box from under her desk and pushed it in his direction with her foot. "Do you mind shredding these?" She asked, taking the two papers from the printer and throwing one in the box, putting the other in a folder.

After seeing [Name]'s blank face she smiled, "Your dad said you were basically free labor, it's easy, promise. I know it's not ideal but you put yourself here."

It was true. [Name] had been here so many times that he was pretty sure he knew everyone in building. [Name] stood up with a sigh, walking over and picking up the brown box from the floor.

"Hey! What did i tell you about picking heavy things up like that." The woman scolded, "Use your legs not your back, you might end up here if you keep doing that...now come here."

[Name] rolled his eyes, "It's not heavy." Was his usual response, but he followed her orders anyways and walked over. The woman grabbed a q-tip from a drawer and put some Vaseline on it, applying it to [Name]'s split lip.

"Make sure you're applying something to your lip or it'll hurt." She mumbled, tossing the q-tip in the trash and turning back to her work. "Don't forget to empty the trash when you're done shredding."

"Yes ma'am." He muttered, walking over to the large shredder and turning it on. [Name] started shredding papers, staring blankly at the wall in front of him. He was also getting kind of hungry but his dad still wasn't back from wherever the hell he went,

"You can just take a seat there."

[Name] didn't even bother looking towards the voice of his dad, knowing the man would approach him eventually. And he was right, "How you doing over here [Name]?" His dad asked as he pat his shoulder. "I was going to ask if you could wipe down the staircase for me but i see you're busy."

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