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Olivia's View

Y/n has been super understanding about me not even having time to call her so I'm flying to Canada to surprise her.

I knock on the door and it opens a few seconds later.

"Is Y/n here?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll go get her." The girl says.

The girl walks away and Y/n comes to the door.

"Fuck." Y/n says staring at me.

"Are you serious?" I ask as Y/n shuts the door behind her.

"Shh." Y/n says.

"Who the fuck is that?" I ask.

"My ex, but-" Y/n says.

"Do you not understand what a relationship is? Being in a relationship basically means that you cut off all communications with your ex." I say.

"I have an explanation." Y/n says.

"I don't wanna here you stupid explanation." I say.

"You lied to me, you said you never would. You lied to me straight through your teeth on the phone. How are you going to promise me that you won't talk to her? She's literally at your house wearing one of your shirts." I say.

"Let's not do this anymore." I say walking away.

Time Skip

The door opens and Iris comes in.

"Did you eat this entire pound of ice cream?" Iris asks.

I slowly nod and she throws the container away.

"What's wrong? I thought you were going to see Y/n." Iris says sitting beside me.

"I did go to see Y/n and her ex opened the door." I say.

"Yikes." Iris says.

"Usually, I can just bounce back after a little while but I can't even think about my life without Y/n." I say.

You don't understand, I'm not ever like this

"I can't even say I'm fine without crying." I say.

I can hold my breath, say I'll be alright

"I feel almost numb." I say.

But kinda hard to think
When I can't feel a thing

"It's driving me insane because I don't even know her name." I say.

Driving me insane, it's hitting real badly
Tell me, what's her name? Yeah

"Let me see." Iris says unlocking her phone.

She scrolls for a few seconds and nods.

"Allison Adams. Found Y/n's old IG account." Iris says handing her phone to me.

"She is pretty." I say.

"Apparently she's a student at Harvard or at least was." Iris says.

"Pretty and smart, the whole package." I say.

My phone rings and I see Y/n's name on the screen. Iris walks out of the room and I answer it.

"Can we talk this out?" Y/n asks.

"What is there to talk about?" I ask.

"You did the one you said you'd never do - lie to me." I say.

Said you'd never, why'd you ever
Lie to me baby, lie, lie to me

WEDNESDAY // Olivia Rodrigo ✓Where stories live. Discover now