Chapter 2

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Daryl and I were the first ones to make it to the roof, both yelling for Merle when we didn't see him. I looked down and saw a hand laying there with the cuff still attached. Daryl came up next to me and he tapped my shoulder as the others came over. "Look," he said as I stood with him and we took out our weapons following the trail. We went down into the building, following the blood trail and walker bodies to a kitchen. We looked around and I found a hot iron with blood and skin on it. "He cauterized it," I said in a whisper knowing the pain he must be in. We decided to go for the guns and try to pick up his trail.

Rick led us to where he had dropped the bag at and it was surrounded by walkers. While they all kept arguing about how to get the bag and I took off running. I grabbed the bag and went to turn back, but got cut off. "I'll meet you at the car, go!" I yelled. I took off weaving through the streets and beat the others by a few minutes.

"Well hello love, nice to see you again," I heard a familiar voice say just as the others caught up. I spun and started hitting Crowley non stop. Dean grabbed me pulling me off him as I screamed, "You son of a bitch, you ditched me!" He slowly got up stretching his jaw and put a hand where I had hit him. "Look love it wasn't personal, but there were a lot more than even I could really handle, self preservation and all," he said in an annoyed tone. Dean let me go and said, "Have at it sis just don't kill him, that's my job." Rick stepped in between us and I glared at him. He challenged me right back putting his hands on his hips. "This isn't the time," he said and I smirked taking a step towards him. "You better move or I will move you," I said mirroring his stance. "You can try princess," he took a step closer and the dominance radiated off him. I felt a flutter in my gut catching me off guard.

"Right well if we're done with the dick measuring contest, trust me hers is bigger, I came to find you and apologize," Crowley said throwing me way off. I looked around Rick squinting my eyes and taking a few steps towards Crowley. "I'm sorry come again, did the mighty king of hell just apologize to me," I said crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes while the others minus Dean looked confused.

"I shouldn't have left you, ok I'm sorry and if there's anything I can do to repay that mistake just call my name," he said not meeting my eyes. I walked up to him, "Actually there is one thing you can do for me," I said as I leaned forward to whisper to him. Everyone looked confused at this point as I whispered so no one could hear. They watched as Crowley clenched his jaw and fists, his eyes filling with rage. I pulled back giving him a stone face and he nodded. "Would you like me to take the short or long route," he said. I smiled as I walked away, "Come now Crowley, wasn't you who taught me in circumstances such as this, the scenic route was always the best and most fitting," I said with a smirk on my face.

I turned back to see him almost looking proud. "Love I will handle this personally, 100% on the house for my transgression," he said and he disappeared. "Now I've seen it all," Rick said in shock. I snickered and walked to the driver side as he bee lined for the passenger side. "You ain't seen nothing yet," I said as I got in the car and started it. Everyone else climbed in and we headed back to camp. My heart hurt that we didn't find Merle, I had faith he was alive though. "What did you ask him to do, not like him to make a point to say it's on the house," Dean said as I drove. "That's between Crowley and I," I said staying focused on the road. I saw Rick give me a look out of the corner of my eye and I saw Daryl look at me almost if he knew. "Don't worry officer, he's just gonna pay a visit to someone I had a run in with before I met up with Daryl and Merle," Daryl nodded at me through the mirror with understanding and he smiled a little as he stared out the window.

Daryl and Merle knew what had happened, but I had never told anyone else up until Crowley. As we got closer to camp, the sun had made its way down and the sky filled with stars. As we got closer I heard a scream and quickly shut off the car. When we heard more screams I jumped from the car after seeing my staff on the dash, "Thanks for saving saving this boys." I ran towards the camp and saw walkers had wandered in. I took out a few close to me then spotted Carl on his own. Three walkers were heading for him and I quickly got to him pushing him behind me.

I took them down easy enough then knelt down, "Get on my back and you hold tight understood." He nodded and jumped on my back. I readjusted my stance to account for his weight and made sure to watch behind me to make sure I didn't get snuck up on. Dean, Sam, and Cas spotted me with Carl and ran making a half circle around us. Before long we had taken down all the walkers. I heard Rick and Lori yell for Carl, so I told him to go to his parents. He jumped down before hugging me tight. I squeezed him back and he ran to his mom and dad. Carl's adrenaline was still going and I watched him excitedly tell them what happened. Rick looked up at me and mouthed a thank you to me and I nodded smiling.

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