Chapter 11

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We were sitting on the porch, Rick trying yet again to get me to eat when we heard Shane yell. He came out ofbthe trees, blood on his face.  "The kid got out, he got my gun," he yelled at Rick. I followed with Rick and Shane, while Daryl and Glenn went another way. I noticed Shane was more or less wandering aimlessly and I put a hand on Rick. "Something's not right," I said to him quietly. He gave me a look and I saw something flash by us. I froze in my tracks making Rick and a very irritated Shane stop too. "What the fuck are you doing?" He said loudly. I shot him a glare and mouthed to them to be quite. I switched to my gun that had silver bullets. Rick gave me a look and I signaled for them to both move very slowly towards me.

"We're being hunted," I whispered to him. When he tried to raise his gun I shook my head. "Your bullets will only piss it off, use your knife, but don't let it bite you, when I say you run back to the farm as fast as you can and get my brothers." He gave me a look as I kept watching for whatever the creature was. Luckily silver killed just about anything. I started slowly moving out away from Rick and I heard him whisper yell right before I saw it fly towards me. I fired a shot straight to its head, but it's momentum sent it flying into me. I rolled with the now dead monster and landed against a tree.

I pushed it off me and saw it dead, as I stood I stumbled as I realized I had a gash on my leg. I started hearing the screams coming from the farm house. "Go I'll catch up," I told Rick. He gave me a look before looking at Shane. "Now help me up asshole," I said sarcastically to Shane. I was roughly grabbed by my hair and he started dragging me away from the farm. He finally got tired of hearing me scream and threw me in a field by the highway.

He jumped on me and started hitting me. I managed to free my knife and I slashed at him. He dodged, but not quick enough to avoid a slash across his chest. His hands grabbed my wrists and pinned me down. "Maybe I outta see just what all the fuss is about. Got Lori jealous and Rick wrapped around your finger," he growled at me. He tried to lean in and kiss me and I screamed out before I headbutted him as hard as I could. He fell back and I quickly got to my feet, ignoring the pain in my leg. I started trying to run until I felt the barrel of a gun at my head. "Y/N!" I heard Dean yell  and I squeezed my eyes shut. I saw Carl standing with him. Tears began to fall as I realized what was going to happen. "Carl, close your eyes baby," I said quietly and firmly. I looked up at Dean with a stone face, "You get him back to Rick, you understand me." He hesitated but I shook my head.

Suddenly a shot rang out and I felt the gun fire off behind me. I flinched and froze in shock that somehow I was still standing. I felt someone reach for me and moved things with their hands checking me over. Two hands came to my face and I saw Lori run to Carl. Suddenly someone's lips were on mine making me focus. I melted into the kiss before pulling back and falling down. Everything that had happened and knowing what Shane planned to do hit me like a wave. I started sobbing and shaking as Rick held me in his lap tightly. He kept whispering I was safe, I was ok as Dean, Lori, and Carl walked up.

Once I calmed down and Dean fixed up my leg, Rick and Dean each helped carry me back to where those who had survived back at the highway. They set me down next to Herschel who looked at my leg confused. "What the hell did this?" He asked shocked at it. I looked at Dean and Sam, "Something big and now very very dead." Herschel fixed up my leg and Rick immediately carried me in the RV. Dean shut the door and Sam stood with him guarding the door, knowing Rick needed to tell me still.

He laid me on the bed then turned to face me and I could see it written on his face. I stared out the window as he told me that when he got back a herd had made its way into the farm. He said Parricia had been taken down and Lori had been bit. I looked back at him, waiting for him to tell me. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Sofia didn't make it, and we don't know where Carol is," he said and my heart shattered. Carol had become like a second mother to me.

Rick laid down and pulled me into his chest stifling my screams. Finally, when I couldn't cry anymore, we heard a knock. Rick got up as I cleaned off my face. I heard him whisper something sad I saw Rick get pushed back as Carl ran in. I sat up as he reached me and I pulled him into me. He cried as I held him and rocked him. Lori came in next and asked to speak to me alone. Rick took Carl back out and Lori looked at my face with sadness.

"I'm sorry for what happened and how I've pretty much ignored your existence," she said kneeling down in front of me. I sighed and held out a hand. She smiled and took it before looking at me with tears falling. "I need you to do something for me, I need you to look after them. I messed up and you were there to pick up the pieces and I can't tell you how grateful I actually am for that. Especially now," she said fighting back the sobs she wanted to let out. She stood up and left and Rick came back in with Carl, who instantly climbed in the bed with me. I laid down and held him as Rick laid in front of him. As Carl drifted to sleep Rick and I stared into each other's eyes, not flinching when we heard the shot that would signal Lori was gone.

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