Chapter 3

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The next few days were spent trying to come up with a plan and burying the ones we lost. I was standing next to Rick looking over a map when I heard someone else come up behind us, "Rick can I talk to you?" Lori looked agitated and kept giving me side glances. He sighed and rubbed his face, "Lori not now please." She gave me a long hard stare before turning to leave. Crowley blocked her though and smirked down at her. "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones love," he said in a knowing tone. I hid my snicker and walked over to him, "Now now Crowley don't go frightening the locals." He walked over to me with a serious face.

Everyone stared even my brothers at the interaction. "Ah dear, just the little devil I wanted to see," he said as he held out a necklace. "I found this and thought you might want that back, consider the trash taken out," he said with a mischievous grin on his face. A single tear fell as I opened the locket and saw the picture of my mom and dad along with the picture of me and my brothers still inside. "Thank you Crowley," I said looking back at him. Surprising even me, he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him hugging back. "Not many who get to say this, but don't go bragging. If you need anything I will always be listening, just say my name and I'm sorry for leaving you," he said and swore I heard him sniffle as we pulled apart.

He turned and saw Shane standing there and cocked his head to the side. "Crowley," I said in warning. He rolled his eyes and turned back to Shane. "I hear you're the one who slapped her, you're very lucky she's here right now. If you ever touch her or think about touching her again, I will come for you personally and show you just exactly what happens to anyone who messes with that woman. It's not pretty," he said getting right in Shane's face. He turned back to me and acted as if he had just had an epiphany, "I finally got it. I have a nickname for all you Winchesters now. Don't have too much fun without me turtle dove." He walked off into the woods and disappeared.

"Alright what did you do with the real Crowley, because that is not him?" Dean asked now turning everyone's attention to me. "Dean's right Y/N, please tell me you didn't do something stupid," Sam said next. I gawked at them not believing what I was hearing. "Look I've learned enough trust me not to make that choice again, not to mention he refuses to do it or allow any one else to. Is it really so hard to believe he would do something for me for free," I said arguing back with them. "Yes!" Sam and Dean both yelled out at the same time. I scoffed and stormed away from them. I went straight to my tent and closed the flap signaling to anyone that I wanted to be left alone.

The next day we all packed up and decided to head for the cdc. We were hoping to find some answers, but I doubted we would. At least not answers we would like. I rode with my brothers and Cas with Daryl riding his bike close to us. When we stopped for the night, they noticed I had fallen asleep. Cas covered me with a blanket and went to join the others. I started dreaming of when I had been in hell, being tortured over and over again. I was screaming when Rick heard me and ran to me. Dean followed close behind and pushed Rick out of the way climbing into the back with me and holding me. Sam ran up next to Rick as he watched Dean calm me down. Once he knew I was back asleep he gently laid me down and climbed back out.

Rick kept watching me through the window sad knowing that I had to have gone through something terrible. Dean saw the tears I had smeared on his shirt and growled hitting a broke down car and storming off. Rick watched as he walked away. Sam saw how he looked and decided to explain a little. "Our line of work is dangerous, but Y/N was always fearless. She did everything she could to keep us safe when it's supposed to be the other way around. She paid the price though more than enough." He walked away leaving Rick to his thoughts.

When I woke the next day we were already on the road. We finally made it to the cdc and headed for the door that was shuttered shit. Rick started banging on it and I looked up and saw the camera. "Y/N,"I heard Sam call me. I went over and saw what they were looking at. Someone had been ripped to shreds and their heart ripped out. "Well that can't be good," I said as me and my brothers took I out our guns that had the silver bullets. Walkers started coming towards us and Rick started yelling begging whoever he thought was inside to let us in. I kept my gun out but used my knife to take down walkers that got too close. Suddenly the shutters opened and I grabbed my bag walking backwards inside making sure nothing else got in. Once the shutters closed I turned around to see a single person standing there. He said we would all need to submit to a blood test for entry and despite me being afraid of medical needles we all agreed.

Once that was done he led us around showing us everything and then took us to the Cafeteria to eat. I watched everyone eating and talking. They were so relaxed, even my brothers it made me happy. I hadnt seen my brothers smile like that in a long time. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked seeing Cas. "You alright?" He asked in his usual stern voice. I nodded and reached down into my bag, finding a bottle of Jack I had stashed. I took out three glasses with it and set it on the table.

Dean's head instantly perked up when he spotted the bottle and Sam snickered. "OH boy," Sam said giving me a look. "What," I said trying to play innocent. Daryl laughed hard enough to choke on his food. Rick patted him on the back until he was done and the rest of us broke out in laughter.

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