(2.1) Elise

83 13 182

Part I

I cursed under my breath when I slipped on the stone. I was surrounded by people buying groceries and exchanging gossip. Under imprisonment in my parents' tower, it was rare to see stones on the paved road. And even rarer to see a crowd. I looked around frantically trying to discern whether anyone had heard me. but breathed a sigh of relief when I was sure that no one had.

Is it a sign? Should I not have escaped the tower?  

I shook my head trying to dislodge the creeping hand of doubt. No, the Faith had instructed me to find the Sorceress and save Tolken. And I shall do it, no matter how many hurdles I have to jump or how many stones I trip on.

The stone was a sign for the upcoming pain, I decided. The Faith is preparing me for the journey.

Muttering a silent prayer of gratitude, I made my way towards the centre of the market.

My eyes were blinded by the riot of different colours. Ever since the government had ordered the Idithries to confinement, I had only ever seen the black bricked Tower and the white snow that haunted me at night. The market was so very different from my usual habitat. The intoxicating smell of fresh fruits and sweet scent of honey beckoned me, making me forget my fear of being recognised. But I shook my head again, letting my fear take over and usher me towards the end of the valley. The danger was all that was preventing me from stealing the food and putting everyone's life at risk.

This was what the Curse had made me, a quivering being that was afraid to go near the non-Idithries. I had to solve this. I had to put an end to the fear and uncontrollable power.

Determination flooded through me as I walked away from the bustling crowd and towards the great black obsidian rock.

My breath had started coming out in icy puffs. Considering it was still summer in Tolken, this was bad news. I knew my powers could get out-of-hand at any moment. I could feel the damned ice slowly creeping towards my source of power.

Was this how it felt for other Idithries too? Did they feel ice creep through their veins or was it their own element of power?

Before I could seek shelter and wait it out, my legs froze over. Literally. The ice had bound my legs from the knee down and it was crawling its way up to my torso. That was where every Idith core lied—right in the middle of the stomach.

My breaths were turning even icier by the second. I knew I would risk everyone's lives if I did not escape the Curse's icy clutches.

'O Faith, show me a way to stop this disaster. How can I save these people, if I, myself, am the cause of it?' I whispered, trying to think of a way to stop the death of  the dozens of Tolkenians who were shopping just a few kilometres away from me.

My body was slowly freezing over and my mouth was opening of its own accord, emitting snowflakes. My eyes widened at the proximity of a dozen deaths but suddenly, a dark gust of smoke wrapped itself around me. It seeped into the eyes and through my mouth and into my core.

The darkness had blinded me momentarily but I could feel the warmth coursing through my blood, melting the ice that could have been the bane of so many innocent Tolkenians had it not been interrupted.

But who did it?

My question was answered as I felt a slender arms wrap around my wrist. It was rough and calloused. Maybe he was one of the Veilensors who always had a sword at hand, or maybe he was a Gatherer who earned a living by gathering herbs.

'You could have wiped those non-Idithries from the face of Tolken had I not been here, you stupid girl,' a harsh voice hissed in my ear. It was a man's voice, I noticed, and it was laced with anger.

Curse of Tolken | ONC 2022 | co-writer @sassy-weirdoWhere stories live. Discover now