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"Woah," I breathed as we opened the door to our dorm. It was extremely pink, which would definitely need to be fixed depending on how long we were staying here, but we never had anything quite as fancy as this on the Isle.

"It's so amazin-"

"Gross," Mal interrupted, cutting Evie off.

"I know, right?" Evie assured. "Amazingly gross." She looked towards me as Mal inspected the room and mouthed, 'Oh my gosh!' I nodded at her gushing face.

I glanced around the room again. "Who wants what bed?" I questioned. The three beds laid untouched, their headboards all against the back wall of the room with bright windows between each.

"I'll take middle," Mal answered.

"I can take left, unless you want it, Quinn," my sister replied.

I shook my head and started walking towards the right side of the room. "No, I'm good here." She smiled and quickly made her way over to her side.

"I'm going to need some serious sunscreen," Mal acknowledged, snapping her fingers and pointing to the windows. "E, Q," she ordered. Evie and I closed the curtains, causing Mal to relax.

She sighed. "That's better."

My bag was thrown onto my new bed, and I was internally complaining about the pastel-colored room. "Hey, Mal?"

"Yeah, Q?"

"Any spells in that book to make this place a little less... pink?" I suggested. She chuckled and began to search for her spell book.

"I got you," she answered while flipping through the pages. I knew she had that spell book memorized enough to know that the spell existed, and she finally stopped with her finger tracing along a dark page. "Color?"

I thought for a second before telling her, "Surprise me."

Mal once again ran her finger along the page, taking a moment to consider. Then, she recited the spell, and my side of the room transformed into different shades of red. Per Evie's request, Mal tuned the left side different shades of blue, and finally, she made hers purple.

The ombre effect was quite cool, and I'm sure Mal thought about how the colors would combine considering how into art she was. The colors definitely melted into each other, complimenting the other's tones and making the room feel more comfortable - more Isle. 

"So, what do we do now?" I inquired.

Mal took in a breath. "Well," she started, a worried look approaching her face, "Now we make a plan."


The room filled with laughter as I watched Carlos play his ridiculous video game. "Woah!" he yelled, ducking as if it were real.

"Jay, what are you doing?" I heard Mal ask. I looked to the pair at Jay's bedside.

"It's called stealing," he answered, even though he knew that wasn't the response Mal wanted.

"Okay, what's the point?" she said, playing along.

"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever you want, except it's free."

Mal picked up a phone from the pile of stolen belongings. "Okay, so you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world!" she cheered sarcastically, throwing the object back down.

"You sound just like your mom," Evie told the girl from a few feet away.

She laid a hand on her heart. "Thank you."

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