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When we step into the house the air is filled with the scent of fresh bread, inhaling, my mouth automatically waters. "Leah must have had it baking while she was out, just wait till you taste it. It is absolutely the best you'll ever have." Jacob excitedly tells as he pulls you into the kitchen and you see the new faces. Jacob quickly introduces you to them. The looked very young, teenagers if you weren't mistaken. Jacob, who always analyzed you, caught on to your expression looks over as you both made sandwiches and he softly whispered, "they're seniors in high school, at the end of this semester they graduate. They're actually older than most of us were when we shifted. They'll be okay, they're Quileute." He kisses your forehead and you lean on him.

Enjoying your fresh bread and meat, you praise Leah for the amazing baking skills, it was absolutely delicious you tell her. Continuing to talk to Leah and Quil I enjoy the mood, getting into conversation I began to pick up on their daily lives and the people in it, learning about the dynamics of their packs. Feeling a sudden hint of pain from my head I decide to move to the living room, kissing Jacob before leaving the kitchen and heading towards the coach. You continue to listen to the pack chatter among themselves, keeping quiet to yourself lost in previous conversations you begin to feel the pain more, molding itself into a headache. Radish feeling the ache comes and lays down by my feet. The pain begins to make me feel nauseous and drowsy.

I'm suddenly not feeling well, I think I'm going to lay down.

Without a word I get up and walk pass the group heading towards the bed. Feeling the heaviness taking over, you're unsure if you'll make it to the room Radish immediately follows suit, helping as you barely make it onto the bed and you look up into his eyes and he can see the cloudiness taking over yours.

Y/n... y/n fight it, why didn't you say anything sooner? What is wrong? I'll get Rayan, he will be able to fix this.

Hearing the panic in Radish, you try to say something, think something! Instead blackness takes over and you're out.

Y/N! Y/N!! WAKE UP. WAKE UP NOW I SAY! Radish commands, and even after this I still don't stir.

Radish starts to nudge his nose on your face, whining in an attempt to get up, realizing the severity of the situation, he begins to shift. The room begins to vibrate, smoke begin to come from under the bed and from the ceiling.

"Y/n!" Jacob Black gasps, runs over to Y/n, Leah stands at the doorway. Jacob immediately attempts to touch Y/n when suddenly Radish lets out a harsh growl, body going into instant protective mode. "Radish you know I don't want to hurt her, what's wrong?"

Radish begins to howl, piercing the air , louder than any of them could ever have ever attempted, everyone in the house raised their hands over their ears. Never hearing such a sound paralyzing them in their spots. Jacob watches as the smoke turns black, "Rad! Hey! You know I won't hurt her why don't you trust me?!" Jacob manages to yell out, the howling rang his ears. Radish who brings his howl to a halt looks back at him oddly tilting his head.

"You think I worry that you will hurt her, no my dear boy I think not." A thundering voice echoes thru the house and before Jacob can speak the booming voice yells out "Mini Ad Domum Fornicem!" and the black smoke shapes into a sphere covering both Y/n and Radish and before their eyes the smoke disappears as quickly as it appeared taking the pair along with it.

"Y/N!" Jacob screams out looking to Leah they both shake their heads in disbelief. Immediately Jacob head towards the exit of his home. "Jake! I'll come with you." Seth's voice interjects into his racing thoughts, "He must have taken her to their home, did she say anything when she was sitting with you?" Jacob halts and turns to face Set, anger clearly taking over. "Nothing, she laid her head back and closed her eyes, I figured she was tired." Seth explains to him.

Jacob trying to keep his cool takes a deep breath before giving out commands "Okay, Seth and Embry you come with me, Leah, Quil you two stay here. We'll let you know if we need help." The trio quickly phase and race towards the direction of her home. Jacob plays Y/n final movements over in his mind, running faster than he ever has before.

Radish probably took her home, it's the safest place for her Jacob, don't over react just yet.


landing onto the floor with a thud Radish drags Y/n into the living-room and starts to walk in a circular motion around her.

Y/n, please get up, Rayan is on his way... surgere ego praecipio tibi, He commands. Y/n stirs but doesn't wake. Rayan... come one where are you? urgh I know I sent it out correctly. Radish scrunches his furry brows down, maybe he hadn't, questioning himself he continues to walk in a circle. Remembering Jacob Black, hmm he'll here soon hopefully after Rayan shows up.

"Hello Radish, I see she is out cold." A cheery voice breaks the silence, looking up to a mischievous smiling Rayan.

Rayan! Finally help her! I do not know what happened she said her head hurt and then she fell asleep. It has to be-

"no it was me. I wanted to see something." His upbeat voice made him sound like he was talking about movies he liked.

WHAT?! what do you mean you caused this? Radish snarls out, his hair standing all the way to the end of his tail. I am going to fuck you up.

"Hold on, before you come for me listen to what I have to say but first let me give her this remedy." Rayan walks over kneeling down next to Y/n he holds her head up, and he begins to chant "remedium sana."


"Mm see Radish I told you I would fix her up, so please stop with the growls I know your pissed but I had to see." All you hear is your cousins voice,
Rayan? What is he doing here?

Y/n! thank goodness you're okay, this moron here thinks he's jigsaw, he did this to you!

"Ah, good you can hear. hello cousin I'm really sorry but I needed to figure out why you were acting so funny. You thought that I didn't see the calls and text? You must of known I would sniff this out." Rayan goes on about figuring out me keeping my phone on silent and me not texting around him or even playing on my phone. "and you went out that one time."

so you decided to give her the same symptoms of Yduolc fever?! You really don't think do you?
Radish angrily says.

"well why wouldn't my best friend tell me about someone new, I mean I saw you with Darius so I know how you act when your into someone. Cousin I love you but please don't be upset with me but I had to know." Rayan continues on, hearing Radishes thoughts I began to laugh, the noise calms them both,
how did I get back? All I remember is blackness....

oh fuck! Jacob!

he should be showing up any moment now, it has been about 20ish minutes

As if on cue there is a banging on the door and Jacob shrills at the top of his lungs, sitting up, I try to keep my bearings.

"Rayan" you say sternly, "before these doors open you need to understand some things that you will not be able to until after you see him. please do not say anything or do anything crazy, please?" I ask my cousin. Finally opening my eyes, Radish nudges you with his nose, "Thank you baby boy, I do not know what I would do without you." He rubs his head on you.

ortunately you do not have to but you do have to answer this door. Radish says as another bang on the door can be heard with something about an attempt to break the door down.

"I'll answer it." Rayan walks to the front door, "Please don't" I beg out, ignoring my pleads my tall, beautiful cousin opens the door to my beautiful Jacob Black. His voice stops at the sight of Rayan, his expression stunned, his arm that was doing the banging was immediately brought down to his side.

"Can I help you?" Rayan calmly asks. "My girlfriend lives here. Who are you?" Jacob confidently asks.

"Girlfriend?!" Rayan turns back letting Jacob see you on the floor. Pushing Rayan to the side Jacob hurries to you, cupping your face and you stare into his eyes lost for a moment. Being brought back by Rayans talk. "You hun are in deep shit, girlfriend? Wow." Closing the door he walks back into the living-room. Eyeing the two other men who entered the room. Rayan extends his hand in front of me reaching out to him and he pulls me up. Jacob still holding onto me pulls me closer to him not liking the closeness of this unknown man. "Slow down there squirt, she is my cousin I do not want her, but I am very interested in hearing all about you three though." Rayan says seductively taking all three men back.

"can you try not to flirt with him? I mean did you hear him?" I annoyingly ask. "Mm who are you?" he eyes Embry up and down before looking back at me. rolling my eyes at him, "don't ask stupid questions cuz this was stupid of you. Next time you need to think!" I push him getting upset if Radish had called Chris instead this could have been ugly.

"well like you said after this you will understand everything.. Soo I am Rayan son of Ray, cousin to Y/n, it is very nice to meet you? how did you met Y/n?" he boldly asks. Jacob taken back does not answer right away, "Um, ahem" clearing his throat, "I came up here and introduced myself." He tells him.

"Ah and then you what? took a liking to our Y/n?"

Jacob looks at you, "Jacob you don't have to answer him. I told you how eccentric my cousin is. Now you finally get to meet him."

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