Settling in

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I was looking at some of the Magcon Boys. My top 4 Magcon boys are Nash, Matt, Cameron and Taylor.
N-Nash B- Brielle M - Matt C-Cameron T-Taylor
N- Everyone this is Brielle my... Friend
C- why did you pause when you said friend, huh, huh,HUH
N- Shut up (laughing)
M- Hey,I'm Matthew but you could call me Matt
B- Ok, thanks
C- I'm Cameron but if you want you can call me Cam
T- I'm Taylor but if you want you can call me Tay. It doesn't matter to me.
I've started warming up to the fact that I'm going to be spending a lot of time with them so I started acting more normal around them.
B- Alright but Taylor
Taylor turned around
B- I'm going to call you Bandana
T- haha alright
M- what will be my nickname!?
B- Either Matt or Dino or Dinosaur
Mat-- Dino started running up and down the hallways. All of a sudden there were a bunch of screams. The fans found us. Nash pulled me into the hotel room, which to my suprise was a bunch of bedrooms and a kitchen in the middle with a living room.
C-Let me show you around.
C-And this is your bedroom.
My room had a 2 queen sized beds with a master bathroom. There was a flat screen TV over the main cabnit. To my suprise there were someone else's suitcases.
C- Oh yea! You will be sharing this room with Mahogany. She's the DJ.
B- ok
C- Well you go ahead and make your self at home. I've been here for 2 days already.
B- Thanks
I went up to Cam and hugged him. He hugged back.
C- Bye
B- Bye
I went up to the bed where nobody's stuff was there. Mahogany walked through the door.
M- Um, who are you
B- oh sorry, I'm Brielle I'm now on Magcon and cam said you and me are going to share this room.
M- oh ok, hi I'm Mahogany
B- this is my bed right?
M- yea
B- Thanks
M-no problem
M- Come in
Nash walked in.
(In this next part don't think I don't like Mahogany, I do this part just adds more spice to the story.)
M- H-hi Nash
N- hi
N- Um Brielle can I ask you something
B- yea sure
N- do you um want to go on a d-date with me
Omg, Nash just asked me out
B- yea, sure
N- 6:00 good
B- yea perfect
Nash walked out of the room. I turned around to unpack my stuff and Mahogany was literally in my face. She grabbed me by the collor of my shirt so tight I couldn't breathe.
M- go out with Nash and I will hurt you
B- you can't make me stop doing something I want to d-do
I took a big breathe. Someone knocked on the door but Mahogany didn't answer it. She took me into the bathroom and slapped me clear across my face.

Matthew (dinos) P.O.V.
I knocked on Brielle's bedroom door to ask what she wanted for dinner. New people pick first. But no one answered. All I heard was a door slam. I opened the door. No one was there. All I heard was noises come from the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door because it sounded like someone was getting hurt. I was shocked. Mahogany was holding Brielle by the shirt collor choking her. I immediately screamed Brielle and pulled Mahogany off of her. Everyone came running in. Brielle collapsed to the floor. She passed out.

Cliff hanger! Wonder what happened after. Sorry that this was a little long. Can someone please get this story known. I need more people to be reading this and I have a lot of cool ideas for it! Thanks peoplzzzzz

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