Hospitals and Tears

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*Brielle's POV*

When I woke up I couldn't talk so I got up and went to get paper and a pen. That didn't go well because when I stood up I lost balance and fell into Nash. "Woah you okay?" I just chuckled and nodded. When I regained balance I went and got the pen and paper. I quickly wrote 'I can't talk. I think Mahogany might have damaged something'

When Nash took the note he read it, handed it to Cam, and came and gave me a hug. I instantly hugged back, gaining a smile.

"We should take her to the hospital guys. What if she needs surgery or something!" Nash said starting to freak out.

"Bro calm down we'll take her" Cam said calmly.

"What about the fans!?" Taylor chirped in.

Ugh they are right! We'll never get through them. But we have to. I need a doctor!

*Nash's POV*

Me, Cam, Taylor, and Jack G are going with Brielle and taking her to the hospital. The rest of them are going to stay with Mahogany and watch her.

When we stepped outside the crowd went CRAZY. All of the girls were screaming, taking selfies, and grabbing us. They got mad when Brielle was ignoring them and you could tell she felt so guilty.

"Guys she can't talk so we are going to the hospital. Something happened and now when she tries to talk nothing comes out. She feels so guilty for not being able to answer. So please watch out so we can help her."

When I said that everyone moved out of the way so we could get in the car. People started yelling "get better Brielle! We love you" and she looked like she was going to cry.

*Brielle's POV*

We arrived at the hospital in about 20 minutes. When we parked, I ran into the waiting room and let Nash talk to the lady at the desk. "Hi this is Brielle and she got into a fight with someone and she got chocked and passed out and when she woke up she wasn't able to talk." "Okay doctors will see her right away, while they are please fill out these." And she handed him a couple papers.

*in doctors office*

Okay Brielle, I took your X-rays and I have some bad news. I have not ever seen a case this bad, but you won't get your voice back for at least 1 week. If not longer." When he said that I started bawling my eyes out. When I calmed down, he continued, "If it doesn't heal, have your friend call me and we will schedule something. I'm going to prescribe you something because within a few hours, you might encounter pain in your throat." He wrote a prescription and handed it to me. "Remember eat plenty of ice pops and drink ice water." I just nodded and met Nash in the waiting room and handed him to prescription. What's this? I gave him the death stare cause I couldn't talk. I angerly pointed to the word that said "PESCRIPTION." "Oh haha," Nash said. Then we drove home.

Ok so this chapter might be boring but the story will get better. Sorry I took so long. I was so busy and I forgot to publish it. I am pretty sure I have 1 or 2 chapters already done. I think I am going to post the next.
Thanks peoplzzzzz

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