Chapter 1

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Hey! My name is Aria. I'm 14. I'm in gymnastics,dance, soccer... etc. I guess you can say I'm really sporty.

I was jogging home from school to get ready for football tryouts. Since there is no girls team I have to tryout for the boys team. Anyways I noticed moving trucks on the house next to mine. I guess someone bought the house. I noticed a boy that looked my age. He was cute. I ran up my driveway and the boy stopped me.
"Hey" he said. I said hi back.
?-I'm hayes
A- I'm Aria, listen I would love to stay and chat but I gave tryouts and I have to get ready.
H- Okay, but can I ask what for?
H- nice, wait. What team.
A- It's for my school. Couch makes us try out early so he can have time to think about it over the summer.
H- Maybe I can try out?
A- Go ahead
I quickly gave him the info and ran inside. I went to open the door but noticed my mom wasn't home. "No, no, no. This can not be happening." Great now I have no gear and no ride. I ran around the house to get the ladder to climb into my room. Great. Just great my it was stuck under a billion things in the garage. I ran up the patio stairs to see if the door was unlocked. Just my luck. It wasn't. I noticed that I always leave my window unlocked cause I always go on the roof. There was a stack of bricks cause my dad had to fix something. I climbed on them and jumped on the room and ran to my window. I opened it. "YESSS MWAAAHAHHAHAAHA!" I ran inside and got ready. Then I realized I had no ride. I started jogging back to school. Then a car came by me and was slowing down. I did what any athlete would do. I sprinted towards the school. The car sped up. I ran onto the field. The car stopped in the parking lot. The door opened and out jumped hayes. He ran over to me. I pushed Hayes. "What the........ y-you scared me to death!!" "Sorry, I told my brother to slow down for I can ask you if you needed a ride. But you kinda sprinted like a cheeta." " It's fine just don't do it again."

Hayes P.O.V.
Aria was awesome. She killed it on the field. I wouldn't be suprised if she made the team and I didn't.

When Aria started walking home we pulled up in front of her with the windows wide open and asked if she needed a ride. She took the offer. I walked her to the front of her house. I saw her look down at her phone.
A- Um... my parents aren't going to be home for a while and my brother is at his friends house. So, I hate being home alone and I wanted to know if you want to eat food and watch a movie?
H- Is that even a question?! Sure just let me go Change out of my football gear.
A- Okay

*After movie*
Aria and I decided to tell eachother more about ourselves. I told her about myself.
A- Okay, my name is Aria Brooklyn Rivera. Yea I know, Brent's sister. I also have a sister but she is always hanging out with her friends. My favorite color is blue. I love Taco Bell. I hate soda. And I am in love with sports. So yea....
A- Yeah....?
H- Brent is my friend he is on Magcon with my brother.
A- Nice
We talked all night. Then I heard heavy breathing I look at Aria and I see her sleeping. She's so cute. Wait, what am I thinking I just met her. Then my eyes were getting heavy, then I fell asleep.

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