XII~ My Butler, Smitten

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(Sebastian's POV)

If only today was the weekend.

I picked up the tea cup from the couch. She really was careless.

"Good Morning."
(Y/n) said cheerily, hopping down the stairs.
That made me raise my eyebrow. 

She sat down quickly at the oak table in the center of the kitchen, snatching her book from the table and opened it, her eyes dashing back and forth.
Something was up.

I set down her tea, and hovered behind her chair.
"Fresh mint tea, with a hint of Bush Lemon, imported from Australia this morning." 


(Your POV)

I found it strange that Sebastian stayed behind me chair...

It always surprises me that the funds from the orphanage haven't run out.
I just bet Sebastian's got a hand it that.

I  set down my book gently and sipped it.
Man, that was really good!
I glanced up at him.
"It's delicious!" I commented, looking back at my drink.

Since this morning, I've suddenly felt slightly shy with him. I just have to get over that.

Not wanting to catch his gaze, I turned on my phone next to me.

"Mistress, no texting at th-"


"Goodness, whatever is the matter?"

"WHAT'S THE MATTER? IT'S TWELVE O' CLOCK! YOU LET ME SLEEP IN YOU IDIOT!" I yelled, losing my cool and throwing a small tea cake at him.
He caught it, his face looking amused at my reaction.
I don't believe this, there's like no point in going to school now,  It's practically over!

"How could you??" I asked, trying to throw another cake at him.

In a second, he held my arm still, almost leering at me.

"Heh, How could I? That school is full of mongrels, how could I not resist declining to tell you?"

I pulled back my hand and sat back in my chair, taking a sip of my tea, glaring at him over the rim.
"Not. Cool."


(Sebastian's POV)

I looked down at (Y/n), glaring at me from her chair like I'd committed a deadly sin.
She was such a puzzle, I've heard countless teens wine to be freed from having to to school and this is how she acts?'

It's just very, very, puzzling.


(Grell's POV)

Doesn't seem like that little brat is going to show her face today, but neither is Sebas-chan!
Oh Sebas-chan, don't let her do anything nasty to you.


(Your POV)

I continued my breakf- I mean Brunch grumpily, moodily picking at my food.

It's wasn't so much missing school, it was mostly the fact that Sebastian had neglected to tell me and had kept me here for his own selfish reasons.
He was a butler, no MY butler, he is supossed to do this in the best interest of me!
Everything is going weird lately.

"Mistress (Y/n), you seem disturbed."

"Really? What ever gave you that idea?" I asked, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Please. allow me to cheer you up."

"You'll see, come with me to the living room."

"Alright then." And with that, I abandoned my food and left with him, quite suspicious still...... 


 ~Wanting to be loved, for that sole obstinate reason, people can even go this far.~

Mу ƁυтƖєя, Mσɗєяη~[Sebastian X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now