Chapter 9: Staying

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"Alexa" Sam scolded. We all turned to look at him. "It's a decision that she has to make. Not you" he continued. Alexa sighed then turned her attention back to me.

"I'm just preventing her from taking a shitty decision" she mumbled. When I stared at her, quite offended by her words, she offered me a sheepish smile.

"My decision is not going to be shitty" I mumbled, then rose my head to look at Zaden. He was already staring at me with a frown on his face. He seemed to be the one to take decisions around here. "What would you advise me to do?" I asked. His eyes widened, then he scoffed. It was as if he was not believing that I was talking to him directly.

"I would advise you to get out of here" He told me while staring at me in disgust. I clenched my jaws, then my eyes drifted to Alexa.

"Then, I'm getting out of here" I told Alexa while standing up. The latter glared at her brother, then turned her attention to me.

"He's just being a major asshole!" Alexa exclaimed. "Listen, if I'm telling you to stay here, it's because I don't want to going back to that hell or worst, be dead" she told me.

"But if she stays here, Anthony is going to attack us" Zaden contradicted his sister as he stood up. Alexa scoffed before looking at the beautiful piece of man who was standing behind the desk.

"As if he was not already going to attack us because of the papers!" Alexa shouted in disbelief. She then proceeded to turn to look at Sam. By the looks that she was giving him, I knew that she was daring him to go against her words.

"I think it would be better if she stays here" Sam finally said, a frown on his face. Zaden closed his eyes for a few seconds. He was getting tired and frustrated with this whole situation.

"Do whatever the fuck you want to do with her. I'm not taking her responsibility" Zaden snapped while walking to the door. Who the fuck did he think he was?

"I'm not a kid. I can my own fucking responsibility" I snapped back, making him stop walking. I could hear a soft sigh behind of me. It was more a sigh of exasperation. Zaden turned his whole body to look at me. He finally scoffed with fake amusement.

"In the situation that you are currently in, you don't get to talk" he said, taking a step in my direction, trying to intimidate me. I tried not to quiver away. I should not show him that I was scared of him. Once he would see that, he would use it to his advantage. I clenched my jaws and stared at him.

"And you get to be an asshole?" I asked back, making Alexa and Sam chuckle in amusement while Zaden narrowed his eyes. Before he could say anything, Alexa quickly stepped in.

"I can definitely see that you're going to get along" she said, Sarcasm dripping from her words. Zaden and I scoffed at the same time. It was sure as fuck not going to happen. The guy was sexy as hell but with this assholely personality, the charm was all gone. We kept glaring at each other. Why did he have to be so rude? Sam slightly pushed Zaden out of the office as he was blocking the door. I followed Alexa and we all walked to what seemed to be the living room.

"You guys will have to learn to get along" Sam said. After a few seconds, he shook his head in disbelief. "It was as if I was talking to my son" he muttered. My eyes widened as I turned to look at Alexa. She was already a mother?

"You've got a son?" I asked. The surprise and disbelief could be heard in my voice. Alexa nodded proudly. Zaden leant against the wall, then narrowed his eyes at Sam.

"You'll have to get along" Alexa suddenly said as she stared at both Zaden and I.

"I don't have to do anything. She's not even supposed here" Zaden Snapped.

"You'll have to get along. Because Emma is staying with you" Alexa told Zaden who suddenly stood up straight. He was no longer leaning against the wall. I could see his jaws clenching and unclenching.

"She's not" Zaden spat, it was as if I Pure trash standing in front of him. I feel like he was despising me because I was Anthony's personal slut. I was disgusting to him. Little did he know that I knew all that. He didn't have to act like that. He could simply ignore me. I closed my eyes for the instance of a few seconds and gulped. "I'm not taking her responsibility" he continued.

"We're not telling you to take her responsibility. Just let her stay here" Alexa practically begged. Stay here for what? To be stared down? "I would have no problem with letting her stay at my house. I just don't have enough room and I'm letting her sleep on the couch when I know that you have two guest rooms here" she ranted while staring at her brother. Zaden glared at me one more time before walking away.

"Or just let me go" I added and watched as she quickly shook her head while offering me a reassuring smile.

"Don't feel bad because of Zaden" she said softly.

"He doesn't like socializing with people" Sam chuckled.

"It's not as if I'm dying to talk to him" I mumbled while rolling my eyes. Yes. His reactions were really offending. "Do I really need to stay with him?" I asked while staring at Alexa.

"I don't think you'd want to end up at Anthony's again, right?" she asked, making me shake my head quickly. "Then here it is" she chuckled.

"Here it is" I mumbled. I would do anything to get away from Anthony.

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