Chapter 16: Bloody Nose

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It was night already. Today was nice. Zaden and I already had dinner and we were now sitting in the living room. Zaden kept on switching between channels and that was annoying me as hell.

"Can you stop?" I asked in annoyance. Zaden rose his eyebrows in amusement.

"You do realize that you're in my house?" He asked. I nodded, then shrugged. I don't know what happened between yesterday and today. Zaden went from being a complete asshole to someone nice. Well, nice is a big word. But he was being human towards me.

"So what?" I asked. Zaden rolled his eyes then threw the remote control on me. As I wasn't expecting that, it hit my face, making me groan in pain. My nose was hurting so bad. "You broke my nose!" I shouted, while holding my nose. I quickly stood up and Zaden did the same. His eyes widened and he seemed to be shocked.

"I was giving you the remote control!" He exclaimed. He pulled my hands away from my face. "Shit!" he swore.

"What?!" I asked.

"There's blood" he said. I wanted to laugh at how guilty he looked but the pain and the blood was stopping me.

"Shit!" I snapped.

"Shit!" He snapped as well. He ran to the table and took a tissue paper then handed it to me. "Does your nose hurt really bad?" he asked as I wiped the blood away. I tried to move my nose.

"I don't think it's broken" I mumbled. I rose my head to glare at him.

"I was giving you the remote!" Zaden exclaimed.

"You threw it at me!" I shouted.

"I expected you to catch it!" he shouted back. I sat on the couch again.

"I didn't expect the remote to hit my nose! I wasn't even expecting the remote! Fuck!" I swore when I wiped my nose too hardly. I stared at Zaden who was already staring at me. This situation was weird and comical. We both started laughing. Zaden handed me another tissue paper and sat next to me. "What happened?" I asked suddenly. That question was bugging me. I stood up and walked to the dustbin. I threw the bloody tissue paper away.

"What?" He asked in confusion. I didn't walk back to the couch. Instead, I stood by the wall and leant myself against it.

"Why the change of attitude towards me?" I asked. Zaden blinked once, twice then thrice before taking a deep breath. He motioned me to come to the couch. I pushed myself off the wall and walked to him. I let my body fall on the couch, next to him.

"I think you've been through hell enough" Zaden said. "My sister doesn't trust people easily. Still, she's trusting you. Doesn't mean that I'm going to trust you" Zaden added. "So, I would like to apologize for being a dick and I'll try to be more civilized" he said, making me chuckle.

"Throwing a remote on my face and make my nose bleed, is not a good start" I joked. "What did Alexa tell you?" I asked him. "She must have told you something for you to suddenly change your assholely attitude" I said and watched as he rolled his eyes.

"She reminded me of some stuffs that you don't need to know" Zaden told me and stood up. I took a deep breath. I was satisfied with his respond. At least he was not going to act like a dick with me. I knew that he still didn't trust and I also knew that he had reasons not to. But somehow, I'll show him that he can. Zaden stretched his body, making me internally swoon. I gulped, then tried to control my Hormones. No one had the right to be so freaking drool worthy.

"You go to gym?" I asked, without even thinking. Zaden stared at me before nodding. His eyes didn't leave mine.

"There's an indoor gym" He said.

"In this house?" I asked in surprise. He rolled his eyes again. "Yes. Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there" I mumbled.

"What did you say?" Zaden asked, leaning a little bit. He may be nicer than before but he was still intimidating as hell. I blinked several times and gulped.

"I said, keep rolling-" I started again but he quickly stopped me.

"I heard what you said" he muttered.

"Then why ask again?" I questioned.

"I was giving you the chance to change whatever bullshit you said" he mumbled.

"You knew that I wouldn't" I chuckled. Zaden chuckled as well.

"Other people would have. But not you" He admitted.

"I'm special!" I exclaimed childishly as I stood up. I unwillingly pushed him, making him fall on the couch. I laughed at how annoyed he looked.

"You're annoying" he corrected. I rolled my eyes but still smirked. "Yes, keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find your brain back there" he copied my words. I gasped, then stomped my feet like a kid.

"Be original, Zaden. You don't get to steal other people's comeback" I scolded. Zaden scoffed but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

"It was on Google first, Miss So-Original" He said.

"Do you have any proof?" I asked while crossing my arms over my chest. Zaden closed his eyes, then opened them again to look at me.

"I preferred when we were on Not-Speaking term" he breathed out. I grinned then shrugged.

"Too late for that" I said, then sat on the couch. I winced when my cloth scratched against my back wound. I could notice Zaden looking at me. I shrugged again and changed the channel.

"Is the wound healing?" Zaden asked out of the blue. I nodded.

"Yes" I simply said. Talking about the wound would make me think about the bad memories. So I simply tried to brush it off. "Horror movie?" I asked when I realized that 'Friend Request' was playing on one of the channel. Zaden simply nodded.

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