Chapter 20: Touch

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I unconsciously licked my lips while staring at the waffles with ice cream and Nutella on it. I took a fork and a knife, then settle myself in front of the guys. I rose my head to look at them and noticed that they were staring at my food with wide eyes.

"I want some" Aross said out of the blue.

"Give it to me" Zaden ordered, making me scoff. Were they serious? I shook my head and started eating my waffle. Once the delicious food was in my mouth, my eyes automatically closed as I enjoyed the taste of it. I couldn't help but moan at how good it was.

It was literally heaven in a bite.

"Hold her" I heard Zaden said, making my eyes open. Aross sent me a wicked smile before running to me. I didn't even have the time to react when I felt his arms wrapped themselves around me.

"What the fuck?" I cursed as I tried to get free from his grasp. "No fucking way!" I shouted when I saw Zaden pulling my plate to him.

"Yes fucking way" Aross said next to my ear, making goosebumps of disgust rise on my skin. What I hated right now, was the way Aross was holding me. That's how Anthony would do. I hated that. I didn't care that Zaden was now eating my food with a grain on his face. He most probably didn't know the turmoil that was happening in my head.

"Let me Go!" I shouted with clenched jaws. I wanted to be free. Aross didn't know the emotional harm that he was unconsciously doing.

"Nope! I'm pretty comfortable here" Aross joked as he squeezed me in his arms. I think Zaden saw the panic in my eyes as he stopped chewing and stared at me. I could feel my eyes turning teary. I hated feeling this weak. It was the second time. My heart beats were racing. I wanted to calm myself down. Before i would start crying, I looked down and tried to stop shaking. Couldn't Aross feel that I was shaking?

I was shaking in fear.

That was what would happen with Anthony.

"Aross, Stop!" Zaden ordered. Aross let me go instantly. I fell on my knees with my arms wrapped around me. I

"Fuck" Aross swore as he tried to help me up. I quickly shook my head as I closed my eyes shut.

"Give me a few seconds" I breathed out as I put my hands on my face and tried to calm down.

"Get out of the kitchen, Aross" Zaden ordered. Without questioning further, Aross walked out of the kitchen. I exhaled and wiped my cheeks. Why the hell was I like this? I didn't want to be weak. I hated being weak. I never thought that Anthony's atrocities on me would have had that effect on me.

"Can you breathe?" I heard Zaden ask me. I soon saw his feet in front of me. He bent to my level. He was soon on his knees too, facing me.

"Yes, I can" I whispered as I rose my head to look at him. I was trying my best not to look weak. He could see it. There was something about him. It was as if he knew what I was going through. I was having difficulty to breathe. But I knew that within a few minutes, I would be fine.

"Take a deep breath" he demanded. I glared at him. "Come on, Stand up" he said, ignoring my glares. He put his hands forward so that I would hold on them as I stand up.

"Give me some time!" I exclaimed and pushed his hands away. This time, he glared at me. He clenched his jaws. I wasn't scared of him now. Well, I think.

"If I give you more time, you'll still be here by tomorrow morning" Zaden snapped. I opened my mouth to start a pointless argument but Zaden quickly put his hand on my mouth and rolled his eyes while shaking his head. "Will you listen to me once?" he asked politely. He seemed forced to be nice. He moved his hand from my mouth to let me talk.

"No" I simply replied, which resulted in him groaning in annoyance. I heard him mumble something under his breath before inhaling deeply. Suddenly, I was being lifted off the floor. Unlike Aross' touch, Zaden's felt safe. It felt like home. I felt as if, near him, no one would be able to hurt me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to avoid eye contact as I knew that I was red like a freaking tomato.

"Now tell me, What's wrong with you?" Zaden suddenly asked, making me rose my head to look at him in confusion.

"What?" I questioned, with a frown on my face.

"What's the deal with Aross?" he asked. "You're always panicking when he's around you" he pointed out. I blinked several times, trying to find a way to explain.

"I don't like people touching me" I mumbled. Zaden walked up the stairs with me still in his arms as if I was light as a feather.

"What am I doing? " he asked with a scoff as he squeezed on my skin to make me aware of his hands on me.

"He's different" I muttered.


"Why the fuck do you ask so many question?" I asked in annoyance as I reached my room. Before he could actually say something, I rolled my eyes at him. "And why did you bring me here? I'm still hungry" I mumbled. He placed me on the floor. I could feel my inner self, crying for more of his touch.

How was that possible?

I hated the touch of any other man, but I craved Zaden's touch.

"I'll bring your breakfast here itself. Stay in bed" Zaden grumbled and he walked away, leaving me with a lot of questions running in my head.

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