Chapter 18: Aross

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I heard a loud bang downstairs. I jumped off the bed and my hands flew to my mouth as I gasped. I walked towards the door of my room, making sure not to make a noise. My heart was beating so fast that I exhaled and closed my eyes to calm myself down. What if the person attacks Zaden? I was not feeling well. I could feel like my head spinning. I was easily out of breath. I opened the door, not caring about the attacker. I was not going to stay in my room, hiding. I needed to help Zaden. I walked out of the room, then stepped in the dark corridor. I put my hand on the wall for support as I walked to the stairs slowly.

"What the hell is happening to me?" I muttered when my head started aching slightly. I was feeling dizzy. I stopped, then shook my head slightly. I took a deep breath, then opened my eyes.

'I am good', I repeated in my head as I reached the stairs. I tiptoed down the stairs, then peeked to the door. I frowned when I saw Zaden standing by the door, with a man in front of me.

"Why the fuck were you creeping around the house?" I heard Zaden ask the man casually.

"I thought there was no one!" The man chuckled.

"So you creep?" Zaden asked.

"Alexa told me to stalk" The man laughed. Zaden nodded his head in understanding. He slowly turned his head towards the stairs and when he saw me standing there, he frowned. I was problem with breathing. All my muscles were aching. My head was spinning.

"Are you okay?" Zaden asked. I could detect worry in his voice.

"She's the girl who's staying here?" The man asked. I could hear surprise in his voice. I closed my eyes, to concentrate on my breathing again.

"Emma, Are you okay?" Zaden asked again as he approached me. As soon as I opened my eyes, I could see everything spinning around me. The next thing I knew, I was falling down. "Shit!" Zaden swore. Luckily, he was near me as he quickly reached for me. I could hear everything around me. I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't know what was happening to me. Darkness was peaceful. "Emma!" Zaden shook me slightly.

"Stop shaking her, you dumbass!" the man who was standing by the door, shouted at Zaden.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" Zaden asked. I could hear everything. Why could I hear everything?

"She fainted. In movies, they usually throw water on the face of the person" the man said. I wanted to laugh at how stupid he sounded.

"Then go get me some water" Zaden snapped. He slowly lifted me off the stairs in bridal style and I could feel him walking.

After a few minutes, I felt something cold on my face. My eyes slowly opened after I forced them to. I was on the couch and Zaden was leaning over me. I could see relief in his eyes. My eyes met those of the man who was creeping around the house. He was cute. His Blond hair and blue eyes made him look like a Ken doll.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Zaden asked as he helped me to sit.

"She fainted" The man responded as if Zaden was dumb.

"I did not. I think I had a panic attack" I mumbled.

"That's because of you, dickhead" Zaden swore as he looked at the guy who was standing by his side.

"My name is not Dickhead, it's Aross" Aross said as he stuck his hand in front of me. I smiled and shook his head.

"Well , Aross, next time, don't creep around" I told him as I exhaled and stared at Zaden. "Do you have an advil? I'm having a horrible headache" I told him. He nodded and walked out of the living room, leaving Aross and I in complete awkwardness.

"So? Did I scare you?" Aross asked with a grin on his face.

"Fuck yes" I breathed while shaking my head in disbelief. He sat next to me and gave me a sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry" he said. "As I told you, I'm Aross, Zaden's cousin" he continued. I smiled.

"I'm Emma" I simply said.

"Yeah, I know" he said, making me frown slightly.

"How?" I questioned.

"Alexa told me about you" Aross said. I nodded, then watched as Zaden walked back in the living room with a glass of water and an advil. I took them from him, then took the pill in one gulp.

"You ruined our movie night" Zaden told Aross as he turned to turn off the television. Aross shrugged, then smiled sheepishly at Zaden who simply rolled his eyes.

"I think, I'm going to bed" I told them while standing up. Zaden moved slightly to give me room to walk.

"Where am I supposed to sleep?" Aross suddenly asked. "I guess she's sleeping in the guest room" he then pointed out.

"You're sleeping on the couch" Zaden muttered.

"But you have two guest rooms!" Aross exclaimed childishly.

"You're sleeping on the couch" Zaden repeated. I tilted my head to look at the two men, then sighed. I wasn't going to let Aross sleep on the couch.

"I'll sleep on the couch" I offered. Zaden turned to glare at me.

"Fine. I'll let you sleep in the other guest room" He mumbled, making Aross narrow his eyes at me.

"You're ready to make me sleep on the couch. But when it comes to her, it's a No?" Aross asked, faking hurt. I laughed at how childish he was.

"She wasn't the one creeping around my house with a torch" Zaden said.

"So sleeping on the couch was the punishment" Aross pointed out, making Zaden nod. I rolled my eyes then turned my back to them.

"You guys are so childish" I mumbled, before walking away.

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