💙 Ch 3 S1-The Elves and the Dragon💙

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Hi everyone! I hope that you are enjoying this because this is going to be a long one and well as the rest of the chapters. I hope that it's okay and I do hope that I can try and post more of them regularly.

~Now enough of that let's get into this Chapter~


Cordelia's POV

It was another normal day for Me and Mia. After we had returned from Centopia and I found that letter from my dad as well as the necklace I'd started to wear the necklace more but anyways. Right now Mia and I were at the library because both mine and Mia's books have some cracks in the spine but Mia's had a bit more. 

Once we got to the front desk the lady was a bit weird and we asked her for some help but she said we should just download a copy but these books are replaceable, so we decided to just use glue. Then I looked up a bit and there in the corner I saw Violetta and her minions. She was whispering something into Paula's ear. It looked positively evil by the smug look she was sporting on her face.

I nudged Mia and subtly looked up at Paula and Violetta. She rolled her eyes in annoyance sighed. We quickly put the glue on the spine of our books so we can avoid accidents but that didn't happen in the end Mia ended up with glue all over her book. So we quickly cleaned up the book as best as we could and quickly hurried back to our dorm room as Mia sat at her desk trying to get the paper towel off while I was sitting next to her fiddling with my necklace as I traced Mo's name that's there. I sighed and turned to Mia and said, "It's going to be okay Mia, we'll fix it okay?"

After about 10 minutes Paula came in. "is the book ruined?" she asked as she sat down at her desk and combed her hair. Mia had finished cleaning her book, "No. Good try though." I sighed at Mia and looked at Paula with a look that read 'I know you mean it and I see that there's good in you and I forgive you and turned towards the window as I kept fiddling with my necklace. "I didn't want to do it" and Mia turned to her "Then why did you?" she asked her. 

"Violetta'smy friend, I have to listen to her" Paula continued like that going to make Miaunderstand her actions. "Great, that's all that matters!" Mia said as she walked out with her book in her hands as she walked towards the door. "I'm sorry!" Paula pleaded at her "Maybe if you just stay away from Violetta, things like this wouldn't happen." "Yeah, I'll get right on it," Mia said right as our bracelets began to glow. We look at each other as Mia left I turn to Paula and said "I know that this is going to be hard for Mia, but I know that things are going to work out with all three of us" I finished and I smile at her as I left to go towards Vincent's house which is on the school grounds

"How is it how hard is it to change roommates? I can't stand to live with Violetta's robot anymore" Mia told Vincent who's working on something behind us as we look at the ruins with our mirror and Vincent speaks up " Have you tried like, talking to her?" he asked "Maybe she's not such a drone?" he finished and I nodded at this in agreement but Mia wasn't having it "She is. She's one of them. We may as well be living with Violetta ."

"Violetta wouldn't apologize," Vincent said again I look at him in agreement with his words, I then turn back and close my book, looking at Mia to see if she's ready and she was. "Okay. Let's go" as we both get ready to tap our gems on our bracelet. "Just so you know, when you two do this it looks awesome!" Vincent stated with aw, making us smile.

"Hi, Mia/Cordelia say your password," the voice from our bracelets said, making us giddy with glee. We are going back to Centopia and I also was existed because I wanted to show Mo the necklace and also talk to him about it as well.

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