Chapter 4

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"Ummm........ So I made a piece called *hidden blood* but, I'm too nervous to play it"

"Umar?" you're telling me that you're scared and nervous to play a piece of yours in front of us?? " murmured Layla.

"Bro, OK, ouch.. that hurt", Nusayba interrupted.

"Fine, fine, stop acting like I'm mean and stuff....... . Calm down and I'll play it", said Umar.

 Finally, after long minutes of complaining and brainwashing him into thinking that he was the villain of the story, he started playing.

The soft warm melody filled the air of the room with warm and soft obscure emotions that no words could describe.

"How can music do so much by doing so little?" I thought to myself.


They liked it!!

I could sense from their silence and, the soft swaying bodies moving silently to every beat, like birds migrating to their destination due to the change of weather.

The closed eye's trying to figure out the meaning behind the melody that I played.

I pressed every beat as softly as possible and played the piece like it was a matter of survival.

I remain playing the piece until due to certain emotional circumstances I stop.


"How could a human be so mean and do us this dirty?", I silently thought to myself.

I was lost in this beautiful sad world that he's created using no words but, only his fingers.

"ahh how lucky I am to have him as a friend," I thought to myself.

This all made me forget about my father and sister until a flashback came back of them.

I didn't know how to feel.
Should one be happy that their father is most likely in heaven for trying to protect his mother's Land? or should one be depressed because he is now dead?

Should I be happy that it happened to my sister too?

I could just about picture how she looked before she left us.
How pale her light black skin looked. How hard it was for her to lift her lovely soft purple lips to speak.

Her smile showed that she was ''OK'' before she parted. She must have worked hard to change from a slightly scared face to a happy one just minutes before passing away.

How can one be so cruel as to kill such an innocent little one who has not yet experienced life to the fullest?

Heck, she didn't even start!


Her eyes were still closed. Was she upset? Did the music stop too fast?
I felt guilty but everyone in the room didn't touch her.

Nusayba whispered some stuff I couldn't quite figure out but, just before the sentences finished I caught a few words while reading her lips.

Alone rest emotions tired


I opened my eyes
I was still sitting in the position I was in, but the room was silent. It was empty.

I must have daydreamed so much that they felt its only right to leave since I looked like I was having such a good time.

Ohhhh Allah shukran (thank you) for giving me such supportive friends I prayed.

Rabee iqfir lahum Zunubahum.
(God forgive their sins)


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