Obsessed: Kirishima Ejirou

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The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all.

Never once will you realise when you're walking past a celestial devil or a fallen angel.

He was both.

Kirishima Ejirou.

The worst encounter of my life.

Who knew I was sealing away my fate when I approached the redhead who appeared to be so harmless at first, so fragile, sitting alone in the library, always reading the same book.

I ignored the taunts my friends threw at me about him being the last person they'd ever talk to since he was "such a loner". But as his classmate I felt the need to go talk to him, to approach him and make him feel comfortable in this new yet scarey atmosphere. I didn't want him to feel out of place since I knew how it was, being the new kid.

Slowly and gradually we bonded. The way he talked and the way his eyes lit up at the smallest of things made me fall for his golden heart. He found happiness in the smallest of things. I admired that about him. His aura was so warm and welcoming that I found myself getting enamored by his presence. He was like my own personal sunshine.

But little did I know that I was being blinded by his facade. Behind those bright luminous eyes, a predator lied within, impatient and desperate for a kill. And I happened to stumble across his path.

"Hey, babe."

His deep, raspy voice came from behind me, my eyes darted around to catch a glimpse the few rays of light coming from the open door before it got all dark again.

"I know, I know." He spoke as if he read my mind. "I know it's dark in here but this is the only soundproof room I have, love. Considering how much you screamed when I first brought you here, I've been very careful not to let you out."

I started at him. No longer having the energy to cry and beg him to let me go. The last time I did that, it turned into the worst night of my life.

To my surprise, a small smile started to form on his face. I looked at him in confusion, not knowing what had I done to infuriate him again.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He locked the door behind him and made his way towards my direction.

Oh, god.

"Why can't you show some fucking emotion?" He grabbed my neck and pinned me against the wall.

I grunted in pain. Still refusing to talk.

"You used to smile and laugh a lot before but now I can hardly get you to fucking look at me." He said through his teeth as his grip around my neck tightened.

That was before you turned into a leaching monster.

"Ejirou..." I mouthed, barely feeling the weight of my own legs. "Stop..."

His menacing laugh echoed throughout the room sending chills down my spine. Afraid I'd make things worse I kept quiet.

"Don't gag too much darling you don't want a repeat of our first night now, do you?"

Kill me. Please, kill me. I've lost track of how many days it has been since I was abducted. Everyone probably thinks I'm dead already so just free me from this torture already.

"You always force me to be rough with you." He frowned, the sudden change in his emotion made me quiver. "Don't make me hurt you more. You are the only light I have left in my life."

He let go of his hold on me and I fell to my knees on the cold pavement , coughing in pain while my lungs gasped for air.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I cried out.

"You keep me sane." He smiled and knelt down infront me, stroking my face with his fingertips with a touch so gentle that it almost felt feather light.

"It took my everything in me to stop myself from taking you the first time you ever talked to me. You were so... bright I thought I was talking to an angel. It was a sign. We were meant to be together."

I shook my head in daze. So this is what it's like to talk crazy. I couldn't comprehend the fact that the person I admired so much was a maniac. Who knows how many more days I have left? With his bipolar nature it's only a matter of time when he fully snaps at me. At the end of the day, I can never give him what he wants.

"I'll never stop wanting you." He murmured softly while playing with the locks of my hair. "It's you. It's always been you."



"Why me?"

He didn't spoke for a long moment. He seemed to be deep in thought, thinking or perhaps debating weather to tell me or not.

"You remind me of someone." He had said in a small voice. If I didn't know him any better I would say that, that was the smile of boy missing his best friend. But a sadist like him is incapable of feelings human emotions.


"A friend." He sighed, humouring me. "A long lost friend."

"You can tell me." I urged. "I'll listen. Just like old times remember?"

Maybe if I pretended that I cared he'll start trusting me again. Atleast enough to let me roam around the house.

I saw his his eyes lit up for the first time in forever. For a split second I thought I got my old friend back.

"Ok then." He chuckled and held my hand, caressing the back with his thumb. It took my everything to not cringe back from his touch.

"He was my best friend." He began in an ancient voice. "He had a very agressive personality and yet everyone was drawn to him, some even looked up to him, despite of his nature. I admired that. I never had a great past. I even dyed my hair to start fresh but I was always reminded of how much of a shallow person I was on the inside."

"He helped me become human again. Made me come out of my shell. He kept me sane."

"What happened to him?" I whispered.

"I killed him." He whispered back.

Sadness washed over me. No matter how I looked at it I couldn't shake the fact that my fate would line up to be the same as his friend.

"He had too much power over me." He went on. "I was obsessed with him and when I finally gathered the courage to tell him about the things I've done thinking he might help me, you know what he did instead? He fucking left me. He started hating me."

I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying at that point so it caught me by surprise when he grabbed ahold of my shoulders and shook me violently.

"No. One. Leaves. Me. My love. No. One." The dark edge in his voice made me fear for the worst.

Death has never been more alluring in thought. It's only a matter of time before I get gifted the last day of my life. And for that, I'll be grateful to my lucky stars.

If it means that one day I might be able to break free from these chains of suffering, I will continue to live in this hellhole until the time comes.


It's what was keeping me alive.

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