The Question - Denki Kaminari

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My heart sank as I watched him wrapped in the arms of another.

As I maneuvered through the crowded dance floor of the club, my eyes caught sight of Denki in a distant corner, surrounded by a group of people. A knot formed in my stomach as I watched him, leaning in close to a stranger. The pulsating music seemed to fade into the background as a wave of anger and betrayal crashed over me. Today was supposed to be a casual night out, a chance to let loose and forget the stresses of our daily lives and constant fights. But little did I know, this night would unfold itself into my biggest regret.

With trembling hands and a racing mind, I pushed through the crowd, fury etched on my face. I couldn't believe this was happening, he knew I was there and yet. It only made me wonder how much further he had gone with this woman in this intoxicated state when I wasn't around.

"Hey..." Mina grabbed my arm, her face was laced with worry. "Be careful." She warned.

I scoffed at her. I was beyond mad to think about what would happen after I make a scene. Infact, I want to humiliate him. I want to scream at him and throw a few punches at him and that bitch in his arms. I want us both to get kicked out. I want that woman to feel the embarassment after I grab her by her fucking extensions and throw her on the floor myself.

"Denki Kaminari." I called out to the stupid blonde. "What the fuck is going on?"

He turned towards me, his eyes glazed over with the haze of alcohol. A wry smile tugged at his lips as he tried to compose himself. "Oh, hey," He slurred, his words punctuated by a hint of mockery. "Just having some fun. Meet Candice." He gestured towards the blonde who was eyeing me with disgust. "Candice, this is... uh... my not-so-happy girlfriend, Y/n."

My heart dropped, my worst fears confirmed in that moment. Anger surged through my veins, fueling their voice as I confronted him in front of all our friends watching from a distance.

"Fun?" I retorted, my voice rising above the thumping bass of the music. "Cheating on me is your idea of fun?"

"Oh, come on," He spat, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Nobody's is cheating on you. You're always so uptight, it's really fucking annoying. I need space, y/n."

"You need "space"? Space from what, Denki? When was the last time you even answered my calls, replied to a text, or even bothered to hang out? Weeks go by without a single word from you, Kaminari. So fucking enlighten me, what exactly is this 'space' you're talking about."

He ran his fingers through his hair, his face was red. Not from embarassment but from the alcohol he consumed like water. I can't believe I even put up with his ass. He finally let go of the whore who was hugging him like a leech, before coming closer to me. His breath stinked of whiskey and rum.

"Get the fuck away from me." I shoved him away by his face. "You fucking stink."

"You need to calm the fuck down, y/n." He said in a dark tone as he grabbed my arm, tightening his grip on me momentarily.

This motherfucker.

"How many other women have you fucked around with?"

He rolled his eyes and clenched a fistful of his hair in frustration. "For fucks sake, y/n, stop! Stop being so dramatic, it's so annoying. I wasn't even doing anything, okay? And if you don't believe me then go cry about it somewhere else. It's not like you trusted me anyway."

I couldn't believe my ears. "What is wrong with you? Do you hear yourself? You're seriously trying to guilt trip me? How can I trust someone who never even did anything to gain it in the first place?"

He opened his mouth to retort, but I cut him off, "Don't.  You don't get to defend yourself, not anymore. We both know this isn't some sick misunderstanding. You chose her. You chose to lie. You chose to throw away everything we had."

"Maybe you're right," He gave me a cold hard glare. "Maybe I did choose her. Maybe being with someone who actually enjoys life is a damn sight better than being stuck with a nag like you."

"Enjoy life, huh?" I mocked, "Let me tell you something, Denki, being 'stuck' with me was the closest you ever came to having something real. You traded that for a cheap slut in a club? Pathetic."

"What the fuck do you want me to do, y/n?" He yelled, backing away from me. "Being with you is suffocating, y/n. You are so fucking needy. You can't go by without me calling and texting you every single goddamn day. I feel fucking trapped in this relationship. You drain me, being with you kills my fucking soul. You're too much for me to bare and I can not do this anymore."

"Needy?" I couldn't help but laugh at his words. "I wasn't the one who wanted to be with you in the first place, remember? I didn't even knew you existed before you started follow me around like a creep."

"God, do I fucking regret doing that." He laughed too. "I wish I never met you. Your constant demands, need for gratification, always keeping an eye on me as if I would jump on the first woman I see-"

I pointed at the fucking bitch behind him who was now dancing with some other guy.

"Have you fucking looked at her? She's gorgeous, unlike—" He scoffed and cut his sentence short. "You don't understand the pressure I feel. I've been drowning in your need for constant attention, y/n and I can't live like that. I can't live with you in my life, at least not anymore."

He crushed my entire world that day. I felt so helpless, so cornered that it felt like he really hated me in that moment. My heart was breaking right there in front of him and he didn't care, as usual. And I just let him scream and yell at me, again, telling me how awful of a person I was for treating him like shit and never regarding his feelings throughout the entirety of this relationship.

I waited till he was done with his little episode before saying what I wanted to say for a long, long time.

"I fucking hate you." I whispered to the man infront of me who I could barely recognise. "I really fucking do."

He clenched his jaw and then finally backed away from me. "Then fucking leave."

"I will." I nodded, fighting back my tears. "And I hope you never find love again, not until you learn what it means to actually care about someone."

"The feeling's mutual, y/n." Was all he said before I turned away, leaving the tangled fucking mess of this ugly relationship behind.

We both deserve better than this. Maybe today was an eye opener for both of us. At least for me, it made me realise that no matter how much you love someone if they don't love you anymore, there's nothing you can do about it.

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