You Veer: Bakugou Katsuki

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I've been here before. Countless times.

But, it all happened so fast that I was unable to make sense of what just occurred.

I was on the floor bleeding, while he just stood there, with no sign of regret on his face he was just glaring at my helpless body.

I touched the newly formed bruise on my upper lip and the crimson red colour covering my fingertips made my head spin but no amount of physical pain could comprehend the kind of agony I felt inside me in that moment.


It was all around me, pinning me, swirling me, suffocating me, dragging me into it's abyss.

"Fucking die already." As if the physical torture wasn't enough, he spit those words at me in an attempt to break me even further.

I tried to get back up on my feet but he ended up grabbing me by my neck and slammed me down on the cold marble floor once again.

I felt my jaw crack. Again.

What do you do when the person you gave your all to maims you? When the one you gave your heart and body to breaks you in ways no man ever could?

I no longer love him. But, then why can't I just let go and break free from his merciless chains? This Tainted Love was killing me.

"Let me go, Katsuki." The voice inside me screamed.

But, I can't and he knows it. He's a man who is in desperate need for love. Never once will he show you how lonely he feels or how he too needs someone to be there for him. I can't let him go because deep down even I wanted someone to love me too.

If only I could go back in time and bring back the boy I met four years ago, the one who fell in love with me. The one who cherished me and vowed to never hit me again and wept for me as I was packing my bags after the first time he did. If only I had left that evening. If only I hadn't been deceived by those eyes...

'People change.' An old friend once told me.

All because he couldn't become number one, all because he couldn't accept that there was someone better than him. His darkness got the best out of him and here we were. He changed, resorted to alcoholism, became abusive, and even after all this time I thought he could change but even I was a hypocrite. I couldn't get myself to admit that a person like him wasn't capable of changing, atleast not in this life. He took out his frustration on me, hurted me to diffuse the anger inside him and I never screamed for help, never raised a voice against him. Silence became my biggest misery.

I could feel him grabbing my unresponsive body to help me get back up as I was too tired to move on my own. He made me face his blazing red eyes and I was repulsed by them. The colour Red, it scared me.

He made me sit down on the cold floor and made sure my back was supported by the wall. He grabbed a box of clean wet tissues and kneeled down infront of me. Silently, he took out a few wet wipes and pressed them against my aching lips.

Affection after abuse. That was all left of us. I already knew what his next words were going to be.

"I'm sorry." He said, all the anger now evaporated, replaced with regret.

I closed my eyes, attempting to drown out his voice, his hollow words.

"I didn't mean to hit you so hard." Guilt laced his voice, a sentiment I despised.

I stared at him dead in the eye and smiled at his empty words, refusing to show any sign of forgiveness. The one good thing I learned from him is to never let anyone know that they've managed to break you. Put up an act to shatter their pride if that's what it takes.

He threw the maroon wips in the dustbin before focusing his glare back on me. He caressed my lips with his fingertips and I could feel him trembling.

Despite of him hitting me now and then, he was somehow always gentle with me when it came to the aftercare. He always checked in on me, making sure I was alright and even rushed me to the hospital if things got worse, he would tell me he loved me late at night when he thought I was asleep and would apologise the next day if he hit me. These small, little things made me realise that he did love me. In his own different way.

"You can't become my redemption, y/n." He whispered, covering his face with his hands. "I can't be fixed. Don't waste your time by staying. I don't deserve your kindness or you as whole."

My vision started to blur. It was always a dead end with us, always hurting each other and pretending to work on ourselves only to break the lies by doing the same things we promised not to do. He fell down from an abyss and I caught him, and he saved me in every possible way a person can be saved. I just wish I could've also save him the way he saved me. We both were so young and so doomed, feeding off of each other cause' we had no one else. We were both sad and lonely inside.

"You won't let me go." I laughed, despite the pain. "You can't live without me. You need someone to take your anger out on."

"Not this time." He snapped and took a step away from me. "Leave before I..."

And so I did. Without a moment's hesitation, I propelled myself upward, scrambling to my feet even before he finished his sentence. I ran out of the bathroom, forcefully shoving him aside, and slammed the door shut behind me. His mocking laughter followed me as I bolted away. I knew that if I allowed myself to dwell on it, my twisted mind would come up with a reason to stay.

This time, I didn't even bothered to pack my stuff as I sprinted for the stairway. But, eventually there were footsteps, getting louder and faster. He was chasing after me. He changed his mind.

"You better stop." He yelled at me from behind causing a scream of terror to escape my lips, only to be met with his thunderous laughter, as if this were all just some sick, twisted game to him.

This has happened before, multiple times. He gives me a brief moment of hope only to snatch it away from me. I forced my body into action as I hurried down the stairs but due to my exhaustion and pain he easily caught up with my pace before wrapping his arms around my waist in a deadlock hold from behind , lifting me off the ground.

"No!" I screamed, fighting him off of me like a wild animal. "You promised!"

"I can't." He growled in my ear making me shiver. "You're like a damn drug. Letting you go would be a waste."

"Please." I pleaded as he began carrying me back towards our bedroom upstairs. "Don't do this."

"I wish I could say I'm sorry." He smiled. In that moment he was a stranger to me.

"Never ever forgive me for this." I heard him say as pushed me inside the room, closing the door shut behind him and he walked towards me, but before I could do anything, everything went blank.




I forgot the pain that comes with sour love. And I couldn't let go. After all, this hurt felt like home. It came to me like second death.

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